Bee pechalka
We decided this year to have the bees. Of course, from books about them we have learned a lot of things for the first time. But recently in one beehive strange things began to happen.
in the course of 1 photo and 2 videos
Premature bee larvae and emaciated from hunger and cold drones began to decorate the entrance to the hive notch. However, knowledgeable people explained that this natural process and that interfere with it useless. The fact that some of the "dysfunctional" families, where the bees do not have time to collect in the period of honey plant enough honey, or from an overabundance of extra mouths to feed, the insects take everything in his ... foot, and the most natural way vypinyvayut from home once blood brothers and sisters, and, as a rule, still in its infancy.
Most went oddly "peasants". For information: males bees or drones - have large size and weight and, consequently, a large appetite. The only useful function for the family, they are doing it fertilized queens bees. Sting they do not have a proboscis for sucking nectar from a flower, too, so that, once on the field, among the flowering clover, the drone will die of hunger, because in his life used to have only "gotovenkoe." That "security" at the entrance kicking wings next prodigal son. Drone, despite its size, it seems helpless. Similarly unceremoniously thrown out of the hive warm, and had not managed to hatch other bees. It turns out that the queen "to fool" chock scored first immune cells larvae, and when it turns out that at this rate, and these costs do not live up to the new year, especially closer to the fall, all actively fighting the growing demographics in the family. From a human point of view this may seem inhumane with respect to the newborn. But bees are guided solely by rationalism. After all, what sense to raise such a big and warm family if the spring will all die of hunger?
in the course of 1 photo and 2 videos

Premature bee larvae and emaciated from hunger and cold drones began to decorate the entrance to the hive notch. However, knowledgeable people explained that this natural process and that interfere with it useless. The fact that some of the "dysfunctional" families, where the bees do not have time to collect in the period of honey plant enough honey, or from an overabundance of extra mouths to feed, the insects take everything in his ... foot, and the most natural way vypinyvayut from home once blood brothers and sisters, and, as a rule, still in its infancy.

Most went oddly "peasants". For information: males bees or drones - have large size and weight and, consequently, a large appetite. The only useful function for the family, they are doing it fertilized queens bees. Sting they do not have a proboscis for sucking nectar from a flower, too, so that, once on the field, among the flowering clover, the drone will die of hunger, because in his life used to have only "gotovenkoe." That "security" at the entrance kicking wings next prodigal son. Drone, despite its size, it seems helpless. Similarly unceremoniously thrown out of the hive warm, and had not managed to hatch other bees. It turns out that the queen "to fool" chock scored first immune cells larvae, and when it turns out that at this rate, and these costs do not live up to the new year, especially closer to the fall, all actively fighting the growing demographics in the family. From a human point of view this may seem inhumane with respect to the newborn. But bees are guided solely by rationalism. After all, what sense to raise such a big and warm family if the spring will all die of hunger?