German billionaire
I stumbled on the statistics, which wanted to share with yapovtsami. The site abendblatt.de were presented the 10 richest people in Germany in 2011. Anticipating a fair question, "And what matter to us, Russian, to the German ANY KIND billionaires?" Answer: probably no. However, infa may seem to someone interesting, because billionaire milliarderu- strife. And the difference between a rich man from the German Russian? First of all, perhaps, the size of its German sostoyaniya- milliardery- middling compared to Russian oligarchs. Also, you can nabyudat difference in lifestyle: the Germans have not accepted "boast Salvage" - having met on the street billionaire prime representative of the insurance company, you will hardly be able to guess who is who. But there is another important and distinctive cherta- reading about successful German entrepreneurs I have no doubts that they have amassed his fortune honest (or relatively honest) way. Why is that? Make sami-
10 is a photo, a brief information is collected from different sources, abendblatt.de taken only rating.
10th: Family Rethmann (Rethmann), condition- 6 billion euros. Rethmann AG & Co. KG- holding several successful enterprises in different spheres of everyday obsluzhivaniya- from logistics to recycling. Getting a huge company was laid in 1937, Josef Rethmann. In the photo Martin Rethmann, CEO of the holding company Rethmann AG & Co. KG today.
9th place: the family Etker (Oetker), 6, 5 billion. Euros. The company probably most familiar for many food products. Dr. August Oetker KG was founded in 1891. It has at the moment about 26 thousand. Workers. In the photo Richard Etker.
8th place: Gunter (Günter) and Daniela Herz (Daniela Herz), 7 billion. Euros. Gunter HERZ son of the founder of the company «Tchibo». The company, which for over 60 years, is known for the production of soluble coffee of the same name, as well as branded clothing, home appliances and home wares. It is also engaged in the tourism and insurance.
7th place: Würth family (Würth), 7 billion. Euros. In 1945, Adolf Würth founded a company that sells screws. Today, the company specializes in the production assembly equipment. The photo Reinhold Wurth.
6th place: the family Reimann (Reimann), 8 bn. Euros. In 1851, Ludwig Reimann together with Johann A.Benkizerom opened a chemical factory. Later it came under the leadership of Albert Reimann. Today, the family owned holding Ryman Joh. A. Benckiser SE, which owns controlling stakes in companies such as Calgon, Kukident, Lancaster. Family avoids publicity, so that post without a photo billionaire.
5th place: Susanne Klatten (Susanne Klatten), 7, 7 billion. Euros. But Suzanne really big povezlo- she inherited his fortune from his father, Herbert Kuandta, who owned a 51% stake in BMW.
4th place: the family of Otto (Otto), 9 billion. Euros. The company OTTO was founded in 1949 and is considered the largest concern in the world of catalog sales. Pictured CEO Michael Otto.
3rd place: Dieter Schwarz (Dieter Schwarz), 10, 5 bn. Euros. Chef Dieter Schwarzkopf network of stores discounter Lidl. Start a business was laid in 1930. Now Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG involved more than 170 thousand. Workers.
2nd place: Brothers Berthold (Berthold) and Theo Albrecht Jr. (Theo Albrecht junior), 16 bn. Euros. Owners concern ALDI Nord. Concern ALDI - another chain discount stores. It all started with a small grocery store, which opened Anna Albrecht in 1913. Today, Aldi has 8200 branches in 18 countries. The photo of Theo Albrecht Sr. (28.03.1922-24.07.2010), the founder of ALDI Nord.
1st place: Karl Albrecht (Karl Albrecht), 17, 2 billion. Euros. The chief concern Aldi-Süd. The richest man in Germany.
I have everything)
10 is a photo, a brief information is collected from different sources, abendblatt.de taken only rating.
10th: Family Rethmann (Rethmann), condition- 6 billion euros. Rethmann AG & Co. KG- holding several successful enterprises in different spheres of everyday obsluzhivaniya- from logistics to recycling. Getting a huge company was laid in 1937, Josef Rethmann. In the photo Martin Rethmann, CEO of the holding company Rethmann AG & Co. KG today.

9th place: the family Etker (Oetker), 6, 5 billion. Euros. The company probably most familiar for many food products. Dr. August Oetker KG was founded in 1891. It has at the moment about 26 thousand. Workers. In the photo Richard Etker.

8th place: Gunter (Günter) and Daniela Herz (Daniela Herz), 7 billion. Euros. Gunter HERZ son of the founder of the company «Tchibo». The company, which for over 60 years, is known for the production of soluble coffee of the same name, as well as branded clothing, home appliances and home wares. It is also engaged in the tourism and insurance.

7th place: Würth family (Würth), 7 billion. Euros. In 1945, Adolf Würth founded a company that sells screws. Today, the company specializes in the production assembly equipment. The photo Reinhold Wurth.

6th place: the family Reimann (Reimann), 8 bn. Euros. In 1851, Ludwig Reimann together with Johann A.Benkizerom opened a chemical factory. Later it came under the leadership of Albert Reimann. Today, the family owned holding Ryman Joh. A. Benckiser SE, which owns controlling stakes in companies such as Calgon, Kukident, Lancaster. Family avoids publicity, so that post without a photo billionaire.

5th place: Susanne Klatten (Susanne Klatten), 7, 7 billion. Euros. But Suzanne really big povezlo- she inherited his fortune from his father, Herbert Kuandta, who owned a 51% stake in BMW.

4th place: the family of Otto (Otto), 9 billion. Euros. The company OTTO was founded in 1949 and is considered the largest concern in the world of catalog sales. Pictured CEO Michael Otto.

3rd place: Dieter Schwarz (Dieter Schwarz), 10, 5 bn. Euros. Chef Dieter Schwarzkopf network of stores discounter Lidl. Start a business was laid in 1930. Now Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG involved more than 170 thousand. Workers.

2nd place: Brothers Berthold (Berthold) and Theo Albrecht Jr. (Theo Albrecht junior), 16 bn. Euros. Owners concern ALDI Nord. Concern ALDI - another chain discount stores. It all started with a small grocery store, which opened Anna Albrecht in 1913. Today, Aldi has 8200 branches in 18 countries. The photo of Theo Albrecht Sr. (28.03.1922-24.07.2010), the founder of ALDI Nord.

1st place: Karl Albrecht (Karl Albrecht), 17, 2 billion. Euros. The chief concern Aldi-Süd. The richest man in Germany.
I have everything)
