Cat - kachok
Rupert is the largest of neperekormlennyh cats in the world. It weighs 9 kg, while it is not greasy, just very big. Rupert of Maine Coons, he is still very young and he still continues to grow (!!!) ...
Rupert for nearly three years. A few years later he zamatereet and is likely to recover even almost 5 kg. And all this is mainly due to a strong skeleton and muscles.
When the cat was brought to the exhibition in his native Australia, there immediately said that such a large Maine Coon they have never seen.
4 Photo © Chris Scott / Newspix
- This is not a cat, but a real koto-mega-monster -up still surprised Judge Leslie Morgan Near (Lesley Morgan Blythe), -And he is not yet fully grown.
-He Gorgeous cat with amazing wild vzglyadom.-mistress says Rupert Kyra Foster (Kyra Foster), - people literally blows away from his gaze, when they dare to come closer to him.
Apparently, according to publication Daily Mail Rupert one of the largest and not fatty domestic cats in the world. But perhaps the biggest. Maine Coons, however, have long been known for its large dimensions, but even among them there are unique specimens.
Rupert and another Maine Coon kitten hostess
Rupert for nearly three years. A few years later he zamatereet and is likely to recover even almost 5 kg. And all this is mainly due to a strong skeleton and muscles.
When the cat was brought to the exhibition in his native Australia, there immediately said that such a large Maine Coon they have never seen.
4 Photo © Chris Scott / Newspix
- This is not a cat, but a real koto-mega-monster -up still surprised Judge Leslie Morgan Near (Lesley Morgan Blythe), -And he is not yet fully grown.
-He Gorgeous cat with amazing wild vzglyadom.-mistress says Rupert Kyra Foster (Kyra Foster), - people literally blows away from his gaze, when they dare to come closer to him.
Apparently, according to publication Daily Mail Rupert one of the largest and not fatty domestic cats in the world. But perhaps the biggest. Maine Coons, however, have long been known for its large dimensions, but even among them there are unique specimens.
Rupert and another Maine Coon kitten hostess