Perpetrated by a matchbox.
You bought a matchbox! and he suddenly broke down in the process!
And you are too lazy to go to the nearest authorized service center, or they do not work! Then we'll help you!
So sobsno have broken a matchbox!
For repairs we need glue! and a brush (to choose any glue, PS for kleykarandasha brush unnecessary)
Select adhesive advice based on your own preferences and skills in dealing with add-devaysom
Namazyukivaem broken surface of the adhesive!
Vaul!) Powered
Optional: vystupayushie drop of glue can erase
(PS Usa repair okonchet, pleasant to use!)
And you are too lazy to go to the nearest authorized service center, or they do not work! Then we'll help you!
So sobsno have broken a matchbox!

For repairs we need glue! and a brush (to choose any glue, PS for kleykarandasha brush unnecessary)
Select adhesive advice based on your own preferences and skills in dealing with add-devaysom

Namazyukivaem broken surface of the adhesive!


Vaul!) Powered
Optional: vystupayushie drop of glue can erase
(PS Usa repair okonchet, pleasant to use!)
