It's time to prick locators
Americans have long been flirting with the post-Soviet countries, trying to get close to our borders better. Recently, it was reported that the US has transferred its electronic intelligence from the airbase "Manas" straight to the US embassy in Bishkek. This is probably due to the fact that Kyrgyzstan is about can expel from the territory of the US base - talk about this being since 2009, but things are there. Russia at this time can only carefully monitor the actions of their expressive Square and neighbors to develop their own radio-electronic technology, without which it is now - as without eyes.
Here, for example, is such a thing.
Airborne Radar "Lance-A»
With the move to say what this strange box, the uninitiated person is not easy. But specialists identified it airborne early warning radar station "Spear-A." And maybe, if you will allow a military secret, it will tell you that it equipped the ship multipurpose helicopter Ka-27. The station allows you to control territory in a circular area with a radius of up to 250 km, is adapted for use in weather conditions of high complexity, is able to capture small-sized surface and ground objects may be used for mapping the coastal zone with a resolution of 10 meters and detect meteorological formations and dangerous areas of turbulence. The thing is, in other words, simply indispensable for the conduct of air combat and exploration. This makes it possible to detect the radar aerial target at a distance of 70 km and can simultaneously "lead" up to 10 targets, ie significantly extends the capabilities of the pilot. Similar devices now created the corporation "Fazotron-NIIR" - the largest enterprise in the country that specializes in the development of radar.
In the Soviet Union the development of military solutions in the electronic industry, like everything else, was centralized. This had its pros and cons indisputable. However, while the system is working, the army promptly receive the latest aircraft, helicopters and ships. With the collapse of the USSR, this situation disrupted, defense enterprises began to operate on the market on their own, guided by the principle of "surviving as best they could." Survived. But the means for development is usually not enough and not enough yet.
Scattered enterprise, was originally conceived as part of an integrated production system (as it is fashionable to say today - a cluster) are simply not designed for self-development. Most of them only produces components, the price of which is lower than the finished product. This fragmentation not only prevents the modernization of production (mainly due to the eternal lack of funds), but also slows down the scientific and technical developments. The situation started to change recently.
In 2009, under the auspices of Rostec was created KRET group, one of the main objectives of which was the consolidation of the instrument-making enterprises, engaged in the development and production of electronic warfare (EW), avionics (electronic systems, aircraft), state identification systems (GO). In fact, the concern has started to reconstruct the destroyed reforms 90 single production system, which will now operate under market conditions. A few days ago in the KRET it entered the company "Fazotron-NIIR". Artwork is equipped with radar instruments already mentioned, not only handsome Ka-27, but all aircraft MiG (including the latest - the MiG-35), Ka-52 and many other models. Almost half of the company products are exported (in 2012 revenues, "Phazotron" amounted to 3 643 billion, more than 40% of them brought its cooperation with foreign partners).
The Ka-52
KRET bought 29, 99% shares of "Phazotron" 1, 5 billion rubles, having consolidated a total of more than half - 64, 99% of the company. In addition to the newly acquired corporation in a radar cluster includes such enterprises as "Ryazan State Instrument-Making Plant", OAO "Bryansk Special Design Bureau", JSC "Aviation electronics and communication systems", JSC "Scientific Research Institute of Instrument. VV Tikhomirov. " The acquisition "Phazotron" allowed to combine the concern of developers and manufacturers of radar devices. And it does not slow down the impact on the state of the industry. We expect a technological breakthrough.
Already in 2016-2017 KRET plans to move to the creation of integrated solutions in the field of avionics. That is the concern will supply the finished product, not just a set of components. This will not only allow him to become a major international holding company with a market capitalization of 238 billion rubles, but also how much to raise the technological level of Russian industry and the country's defense. One of the most promising projects KRETa now - the creation of complex avionics (avionics) for the new Russian aircraft MS-21.
Something like this would look like the cabin of the new Russian aircraft MC-21
Source: a-poli.livejournal.com
Here, for example, is such a thing.
Airborne Radar "Lance-A»

With the move to say what this strange box, the uninitiated person is not easy. But specialists identified it airborne early warning radar station "Spear-A." And maybe, if you will allow a military secret, it will tell you that it equipped the ship multipurpose helicopter Ka-27. The station allows you to control territory in a circular area with a radius of up to 250 km, is adapted for use in weather conditions of high complexity, is able to capture small-sized surface and ground objects may be used for mapping the coastal zone with a resolution of 10 meters and detect meteorological formations and dangerous areas of turbulence. The thing is, in other words, simply indispensable for the conduct of air combat and exploration. This makes it possible to detect the radar aerial target at a distance of 70 km and can simultaneously "lead" up to 10 targets, ie significantly extends the capabilities of the pilot. Similar devices now created the corporation "Fazotron-NIIR" - the largest enterprise in the country that specializes in the development of radar.

In the Soviet Union the development of military solutions in the electronic industry, like everything else, was centralized. This had its pros and cons indisputable. However, while the system is working, the army promptly receive the latest aircraft, helicopters and ships. With the collapse of the USSR, this situation disrupted, defense enterprises began to operate on the market on their own, guided by the principle of "surviving as best they could." Survived. But the means for development is usually not enough and not enough yet.
Scattered enterprise, was originally conceived as part of an integrated production system (as it is fashionable to say today - a cluster) are simply not designed for self-development. Most of them only produces components, the price of which is lower than the finished product. This fragmentation not only prevents the modernization of production (mainly due to the eternal lack of funds), but also slows down the scientific and technical developments. The situation started to change recently.
In 2009, under the auspices of Rostec was created KRET group, one of the main objectives of which was the consolidation of the instrument-making enterprises, engaged in the development and production of electronic warfare (EW), avionics (electronic systems, aircraft), state identification systems (GO). In fact, the concern has started to reconstruct the destroyed reforms 90 single production system, which will now operate under market conditions. A few days ago in the KRET it entered the company "Fazotron-NIIR". Artwork is equipped with radar instruments already mentioned, not only handsome Ka-27, but all aircraft MiG (including the latest - the MiG-35), Ka-52 and many other models. Almost half of the company products are exported (in 2012 revenues, "Phazotron" amounted to 3 643 billion, more than 40% of them brought its cooperation with foreign partners).

The Ka-52

KRET bought 29, 99% shares of "Phazotron" 1, 5 billion rubles, having consolidated a total of more than half - 64, 99% of the company. In addition to the newly acquired corporation in a radar cluster includes such enterprises as "Ryazan State Instrument-Making Plant", OAO "Bryansk Special Design Bureau", JSC "Aviation electronics and communication systems", JSC "Scientific Research Institute of Instrument. VV Tikhomirov. " The acquisition "Phazotron" allowed to combine the concern of developers and manufacturers of radar devices. And it does not slow down the impact on the state of the industry. We expect a technological breakthrough.
Already in 2016-2017 KRET plans to move to the creation of integrated solutions in the field of avionics. That is the concern will supply the finished product, not just a set of components. This will not only allow him to become a major international holding company with a market capitalization of 238 billion rubles, but also how much to raise the technological level of Russian industry and the country's defense. One of the most promising projects KRETa now - the creation of complex avionics (avionics) for the new Russian aircraft MS-21.

Something like this would look like the cabin of the new Russian aircraft MC-21
Source: a-poli.livejournal.com
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