Children can understand around

Experiment with the tablet in the Ethiopian village

The researchers found very very very dead Ethiopian village. In which there was no competent person. There were no books, newspapers, road signs, packaged products, labels. There was nothing related to the printed word.

They were given to all children in the village of a few hundred tablets packed Motorola, solar-powered. On computers that are running the operating system in an unknown for Ethiopian children in English, as well as SD-card to track run applications.

One of the leaders of the project said: We were given a box and left the village. All the boxes were sealed. We thought that the children would play with the boxes. Four minutes later, one kid not only opened the box and found how to turn on the computer. And he had never in my life seen the power key. During the first five days of each child on average, I opened 47 applications. After two weeks in the village singing songs in English. Five months later, the children dealt with the transmission chamber, which accidentally disabled one of the staff and turn it haknuv android.
Source: mi3ch.
 - That's the way it should be - no "democracy" to impose on the world, and to organize schools, to give sources to the next generation increased more - less literate. How many children in Africa, in the East illiterate Bedouin - millions.
Brought up in the ancient traditions, that he must rise Warriors - hence all the trouble. Competent people will not put on an explosive belt - go yourself!

Children need to know that such a large world and how it works.



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