Dolakovo. Dogs - a dog's death.
He tried not to be named Amir. It is a bad omen - Amirs do not last long. But it did not help. Ibrahim Mestoev was our main goal. The night did not sleep. They waited for orders. With the dawn came the order - can work. Place blocked and offered to surrender. The two immediately went on break. In The News wrote that it Ozdoev brothers, but I think there mistake. One was really Ozdoev, and the second is said to opera - Arthur Pliev. They immediately tried to escape, leaving his "Emir". The brave Mujahideen such courageous ... throw his commanding officer before the fight - very patsanski. They shoot the pistol on the run. Not escaped. Bullets run faster.
Dzhambulat (sitting) before the last of his life cleaning up:
In the house next door were just Mestoev and his driver - Mankiyev. (Yes, terrorists all arranged in the same way: he became the head of a small - put personal driver, ept). Mestoevu naturally surrender was pointless. And here at Mankieva I had a chance for a short time, so he immediately called out to not shoot, he was ready to surrender. As far as I know, it was just harboring "amir" and aiding and abetting. Voluntary surrender and cooperate with the investigation - well, he would have 5 years to get the maximum.
House, I must say, just huge. Pope Mankieva was not the last person in the country. And the deputy minister and worked. The house met the status. They stopped short, waiting Mankieva when it comes out. Does not exceed. Opera contacted him on his mobile, he says - no, I can not give up. Opera start thinking what's next. The one who spoke to him, explains that the man almost crying, obviously want to give up, but most likely, it will not let Mestoev. Brought Mankieva senior. It is, incidentally, one of the opposition leaders, who love to chew snot about extrajudicial executions and ubiytva innocent. They gave him the phone - that talk with his son, and the railway will be extrajudicial executions and the murder of the innocent. Son and dad starts whining - I can not all. Father says: "Guys, I'll come right now, kick ass idiots and that the collar to pull it out to you." Just try to go to the house (in your own home, by the way), they opened fire on him. Dad dragged men out of the fire and all - Negotiations completed. Pope Mankieva we explained that he was building this house and it is essentially a fortress. Get them out of there without destroying the house itself, we did not succeed. Also, a pancake, found the problem.
We began to roll out home appliances. Nobody shoots, quietly so all in working order, to break - not to build. Well podrazrushili house, I went to the sweep of the Interior troops. Inspect, examine, no one anywhere. And then all of a basement. Jambulat wounded - the company commander. He would calm down, allow the children to cover fire and pull himself, but he decided that we should not allow them to jump out of the basement. Yes, and probably angry that he was wounded ... In short, he returned fire. The trouble is that he was in full view, and the rats in a hole. They wounded him in the head. Mortally wounded.
But the bastards jump still failed. Their only chance for a breakthrough poheril Dzhambulat. Now they knew that the basement - is not only a refuge, but a trap and out of them out is not meant to be. We blow them up in the cellar to the dogs, and the whole conversation. Part of this group we eliminated in Dolakovo during the regular bezsudnoy penalty pure nothing the guilty bandits, two of whom were suicide bombers. Now it's time to end my miserable existence, and remnants of the leader of the gang.
Thermal charge in the basement. For Jambulat. We will help warm the terrorists:
The bodies are pulled out with a rope:
We got:
House. Just the house:
The neighbors bandits:
Dzhambulat (sitting) before the last of his life cleaning up:

In the house next door were just Mestoev and his driver - Mankiyev. (Yes, terrorists all arranged in the same way: he became the head of a small - put personal driver, ept). Mestoevu naturally surrender was pointless. And here at Mankieva I had a chance for a short time, so he immediately called out to not shoot, he was ready to surrender. As far as I know, it was just harboring "amir" and aiding and abetting. Voluntary surrender and cooperate with the investigation - well, he would have 5 years to get the maximum.
House, I must say, just huge. Pope Mankieva was not the last person in the country. And the deputy minister and worked. The house met the status. They stopped short, waiting Mankieva when it comes out. Does not exceed. Opera contacted him on his mobile, he says - no, I can not give up. Opera start thinking what's next. The one who spoke to him, explains that the man almost crying, obviously want to give up, but most likely, it will not let Mestoev. Brought Mankieva senior. It is, incidentally, one of the opposition leaders, who love to chew snot about extrajudicial executions and ubiytva innocent. They gave him the phone - that talk with his son, and the railway will be extrajudicial executions and the murder of the innocent. Son and dad starts whining - I can not all. Father says: "Guys, I'll come right now, kick ass idiots and that the collar to pull it out to you." Just try to go to the house (in your own home, by the way), they opened fire on him. Dad dragged men out of the fire and all - Negotiations completed. Pope Mankieva we explained that he was building this house and it is essentially a fortress. Get them out of there without destroying the house itself, we did not succeed. Also, a pancake, found the problem.
We began to roll out home appliances. Nobody shoots, quietly so all in working order, to break - not to build. Well podrazrushili house, I went to the sweep of the Interior troops. Inspect, examine, no one anywhere. And then all of a basement. Jambulat wounded - the company commander. He would calm down, allow the children to cover fire and pull himself, but he decided that we should not allow them to jump out of the basement. Yes, and probably angry that he was wounded ... In short, he returned fire. The trouble is that he was in full view, and the rats in a hole. They wounded him in the head. Mortally wounded.
But the bastards jump still failed. Their only chance for a breakthrough poheril Dzhambulat. Now they knew that the basement - is not only a refuge, but a trap and out of them out is not meant to be. We blow them up in the cellar to the dogs, and the whole conversation. Part of this group we eliminated in Dolakovo during the regular bezsudnoy penalty pure nothing the guilty bandits, two of whom were suicide bombers. Now it's time to end my miserable existence, and remnants of the leader of the gang.
Thermal charge in the basement. For Jambulat. We will help warm the terrorists:

The bodies are pulled out with a rope:

We got:

House. Just the house:

The neighbors bandits:
