Valentina, on the anniversary!
June 16 marks the 50th anniversary of the space flight of the world's first woman cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova.
About ten photos. Do not break.
Official biography of Valentina looked like. Ordinary girl from the village Maslennikovo Yaroslavl region. His father died at the front. Mother she raised three children.
At seventeen Valya came to tire factory working - had to earn money. Over the weekend, ran a flying club skydive. In 1962, her twenty-five workers who chose to prepare for space flight.
Posted in [mergetime] 1371220078 [/ mergetime]
The truth is that after Gagarin's flight on all the flying club of the country looking for pretty girls-parachutists - Khrushchev wanted to become the first Soviet woman in space. Valentine had already been easy working and time secretary of the Komsomol organization Yaroslavl combine technical fabrics. Ideologically reliable man.
There are, however, "speck" - her father was killed at the front, and went missing in Finnish. Only in the late 80's Defense Minister Dmitry Yazov Valentina help find a mass grave where buried Vladimir Axenovich Tereshkov.
Posted in [mergetime] 1371220158 [/ mergetime]
First female set in the cosmonaut - five. Valentina Ponomareva and Irina Solovyova - clearly stronger. Ponomarev behind MAI, flying experience (participated in All-Union competitions in summer sports). Solovyov - Ural Polytechnic University, a master of parachuting, more than 700 jumps.
Only Valya Tereshkova no higher education, Parachuting 1st rank. And with academic performance during the training is not very much - to perform all tests on the "excellent" is not always succeeded. But the commission has selected for her flight. There are several reasons.
June 14, 1963 issued a rocket into orbit, "Vostok-5" with Valery Bykovsky. A day after it on the "Vostok-6" planned to launch Tereshkova. Arrived at the Baikonur girls in a brand new form of lieutenant. But then Moscow decided to "militaristic touch of" clean and Tereshkova with doubles rushed to change.
Start was no problem. But what happened to the ship after reaching orbit, Valentina recently told for the first time:
- In the auto-ship program was an inaccuracy: it was oriented so that, instead of down, on the contrary, raised the orbit. I do not approach the Earth, and with each turn of it was removed.
This was reported Tereshkova Queen. Only on the second day laid in the new data, and the orbit began to improve.
During training Valya easily straightened with food (see photo). In flight, it did not happen.
- Sergey asked me not to tell. So I kept secret for decades - ingeniously explained Valentina Vladimirovna. - And now there have been reports about this, so that I can speak freely.
There were a lot of rumors that Valentine bad acting weightlessness. Her nauseous, dizzy, and research program was flying. Like, Korolev was going to terminate the flight. And after landing astronaut shaking hands in trying to clean up his ship-ball ...
Indeed, the problems in the three-day flight were different. Spacesuit all the flight was not allowed to shoot. On the second day whined right shin. On the third day the pain has been hard to bear. Shoulder pressed germoshlem. Under the sensor on his head felt itchy.
Like normal earthly food - black bread, potatoes and onions. Instead, the installation was dry bread crusts. Tereshkova admitted - once her sick, but not because of vestibular disorders, and because of the food.
The new attack - during the landing.
- When I was catapulted (in the "East" astronauts landed separately from the vehicle by parachute. - Ed.), I was seized by a quiet horror - for the first time admitted to the astronaut 44 years. - Below me was a lake (to manage a large heavy parachute drop-down at the height of 4 km, the astronaut could not. - Ed.). My first thought: My God, they sent one woman, and one must be to please her in the water!
Astronauts splashed taught. But will there be enough strength to stay on the water after exhausting flight? Lucky - Lake flew. In strong winds of the earth, he pulls a huge dome. Girl in heavy, snare spacesuit ...
- It hurts to hit the germoshlem - explains Tereshkova. - Parachute finally departed, but on the nose had a good bruise.
Then doctors had to gloss over the blue - like the girl-beauty to appear before the authorities with a shiner?
In fact, Valentine oppressed by the party load. During his public desyatelnost she did not get a penny! All the years she was listed as a specialist Cosmonaut Training Center, where paid. And dreams of a new flight (out Andrian second time flew!). Tried again to get into the cosmonaut. But after the death of Gagarin "first" decided to take care of, and Tereshkova given to understand that suit you no longer wear.
- If I had money, I would now gladly flew - Tereshkova admitted the other day. - For many years I was interested in everything that is connected with Mars. It was the dream of the first cosmonaut - flight to the Red Planet. Oh, if I could put it into practice! Ready to fly there and did not even come back!
Last. Not a word I want to talk about politics, I hope commentators minutes this topic too.
Happy Anniversary you Komsomol, athlete and just a beautiful girl !!!
Source: http: //
About ten photos. Do not break.

Official biography of Valentina looked like. Ordinary girl from the village Maslennikovo Yaroslavl region. His father died at the front. Mother she raised three children.
At seventeen Valya came to tire factory working - had to earn money. Over the weekend, ran a flying club skydive. In 1962, her twenty-five workers who chose to prepare for space flight.
Posted in [mergetime] 1371220078 [/ mergetime]
The truth is that after Gagarin's flight on all the flying club of the country looking for pretty girls-parachutists - Khrushchev wanted to become the first Soviet woman in space. Valentine had already been easy working and time secretary of the Komsomol organization Yaroslavl combine technical fabrics. Ideologically reliable man.
There are, however, "speck" - her father was killed at the front, and went missing in Finnish. Only in the late 80's Defense Minister Dmitry Yazov Valentina help find a mass grave where buried Vladimir Axenovich Tereshkov.
Posted in [mergetime] 1371220158 [/ mergetime]
First female set in the cosmonaut - five. Valentina Ponomareva and Irina Solovyova - clearly stronger. Ponomarev behind MAI, flying experience (participated in All-Union competitions in summer sports). Solovyov - Ural Polytechnic University, a master of parachuting, more than 700 jumps.
Only Valya Tereshkova no higher education, Parachuting 1st rank. And with academic performance during the training is not very much - to perform all tests on the "excellent" is not always succeeded. But the commission has selected for her flight. There are several reasons.

June 14, 1963 issued a rocket into orbit, "Vostok-5" with Valery Bykovsky. A day after it on the "Vostok-6" planned to launch Tereshkova. Arrived at the Baikonur girls in a brand new form of lieutenant. But then Moscow decided to "militaristic touch of" clean and Tereshkova with doubles rushed to change.

Start was no problem. But what happened to the ship after reaching orbit, Valentina recently told for the first time:
- In the auto-ship program was an inaccuracy: it was oriented so that, instead of down, on the contrary, raised the orbit. I do not approach the Earth, and with each turn of it was removed.
This was reported Tereshkova Queen. Only on the second day laid in the new data, and the orbit began to improve.

During training Valya easily straightened with food (see photo). In flight, it did not happen.
- Sergey asked me not to tell. So I kept secret for decades - ingeniously explained Valentina Vladimirovna. - And now there have been reports about this, so that I can speak freely.

There were a lot of rumors that Valentine bad acting weightlessness. Her nauseous, dizzy, and research program was flying. Like, Korolev was going to terminate the flight. And after landing astronaut shaking hands in trying to clean up his ship-ball ...
Indeed, the problems in the three-day flight were different. Spacesuit all the flight was not allowed to shoot. On the second day whined right shin. On the third day the pain has been hard to bear. Shoulder pressed germoshlem. Under the sensor on his head felt itchy.

Like normal earthly food - black bread, potatoes and onions. Instead, the installation was dry bread crusts. Tereshkova admitted - once her sick, but not because of vestibular disorders, and because of the food.
The new attack - during the landing.
- When I was catapulted (in the "East" astronauts landed separately from the vehicle by parachute. - Ed.), I was seized by a quiet horror - for the first time admitted to the astronaut 44 years. - Below me was a lake (to manage a large heavy parachute drop-down at the height of 4 km, the astronaut could not. - Ed.). My first thought: My God, they sent one woman, and one must be to please her in the water!

Astronauts splashed taught. But will there be enough strength to stay on the water after exhausting flight? Lucky - Lake flew. In strong winds of the earth, he pulls a huge dome. Girl in heavy, snare spacesuit ...
- It hurts to hit the germoshlem - explains Tereshkova. - Parachute finally departed, but on the nose had a good bruise.
Then doctors had to gloss over the blue - like the girl-beauty to appear before the authorities with a shiner?

In fact, Valentine oppressed by the party load. During his public desyatelnost she did not get a penny! All the years she was listed as a specialist Cosmonaut Training Center, where paid. And dreams of a new flight (out Andrian second time flew!). Tried again to get into the cosmonaut. But after the death of Gagarin "first" decided to take care of, and Tereshkova given to understand that suit you no longer wear.
- If I had money, I would now gladly flew - Tereshkova admitted the other day. - For many years I was interested in everything that is connected with Mars. It was the dream of the first cosmonaut - flight to the Red Planet. Oh, if I could put it into practice! Ready to fly there and did not even come back!

Last. Not a word I want to talk about politics, I hope commentators minutes this topic too.
Happy Anniversary you Komsomol, athlete and just a beautiful girl !!!

Source: http: //