VF Margelov
Once Commander of the Airborne Forces VF Margelov during construction stopped by a young soldier, and asked whether that vest? He modestly rasstyagnul buttons HB (in those days in quarantine were HB model 1943) and showed his vest. Vasily Philipovich shook his head, waved his hand (say, bad you are taught fathers commanders) and hands rasspahnul his shirt so that povyletali buttons and said:
- Sons, proud to have served in the Airborne and vest should show so! ..
They say that with VF Margelov was such a case. Rings, they say, it the duty of the police department and said: & quot; ... Vasily Filippovich, we're in the city arrested two of your drunken paratroopers! .. & Quot; What Margelov replied: & quot; ... no, it's not my Marines! & Quot; and hung up.
It takes a little time, again in the house Margelov phone rang. The policeman excited, agitated voice says, "Vasily Filippovich! Two of your paratrooper who today held up the police and deliver them to the office, sobered up, beaten outfit blew duty unit, smashed a window and escaped through it! .. »
And then VF Margelov said, "Yes! Here are my Marines! »
The new regiment commander, VF Margelov in the morning arrived at the battalion went into the kitchen and asked the cook than the feed soldiers.
- Millet porridge with beef stewed meat, - said the cook.
- Well, as all men happy? - Question followed commander.
- That's right, eat - much as the ears rustle! - Too dashing chef has reported.
- Come on, then pour and I - asked the commander.
Cook scooped porridge, trying to catch a little more meat, and poured it into a round pot, which put in front of the regimental commander, and he sat down side by side. After the first spoonful face twisted commander, a scar on his cheek nalilsya blood.
- You yourself, then tasted the porridge? - He asked the cook.
- No, sir, - sensing evil and dejectedly said Cook.
Then the regimental commander put on a pot of porridge cook down. Porridge poured ... Laughter fighters shook district. And then, and rushed "messengers" from "terrible news" - Dad cook pot thrown.
Commander of the Airborne Forces, Army General Margelov skeptical about the exercise and competition among paratroopers ball (football, volleyball, basketball).
In 1977, in the Ferghana poruchenets division commander Safronov VG (party of 4 local wars - Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Afghanistan, Angola, in the Airborne 1953) showed Margelov in the House of officers of the film about rugby ("captured" - US) . Margelov first movie to watch did not want to, but then agreed and looked (puffing on a cigarette traditional 'White Sea Canal "), paused ..." J ... your ... (the familiar text) - so there is a fight! ". Since that day, right there in the army commandos have appeared on the sports field posters "Rugby - Airborne!" And rugby balls have appeared in each troop unit. So far in his apartment-museum has a ball autographed by the first rugby team Airborne.
Margelov arrived in Ryazan in RKPU. I suggest there shakedown. One platoon of cadets engaged in the gym. Suddenly tumble Margelov with his entourage and Belomoro. The platoon commander flies and reported: "Comrade General of the Army, such a platoon of such a company fulfills the exercise" jump over the horse. " Margelov looked and said: "You do not jump through it - it is, you are ...".
Before shooting a film about the Airborne "Blue Lightning" the whole crew came to the hamlet (CA RKPU) look at the life and activities in the field. In the country a little commander "took" and began to discuss what should be the image of a paratrooper. Among the crew was nebolshogoo growth of a woman, the assistant director, who could be seen standing behind the men and Vasily Filippovich, with his characteristic bluntness, the director is responsible to the question:
- You show me a Marine in the film so that it any woman on the street "gave"! ..
A short pause, the filmmakers confused and heard the sound of a falling body - assistant director fainted!
"Comrade Commander, such a student to pass the state exam for airborne training with the assessment arrived perfectly! & Quot;
After this report, Vasily Filippovich took the record book and set great.
Once at the front review Vasily Filippovich Margelov, looking at the guy in the RD, UGC, and so on. D. Gave fighter ordered to undress. The explanation was brief: "It's not a trooper! Trooper for fifteen minutes a fight ... "As a result, the guy stayed in the Afghan with Ax and three additional stores!
On the eve of the exercise.
A team built on the parade ground at full ... duty on the part of the brigade commander reports VF Margelov already for the second time.
-Comrade Colonel! Entrusted to you some built! .. Etc.
-I DO NOT SEE! - Says the brigade commander. The duty of re-building, all are tightened, all puogovitsy, belts, blyazhi, socks ...
-ROVNYAYS !!! SMIRRRNA! Again reports.
Dad even angrier, pointing to the battalions:
-Who is it???
The attendant at a loss:
-How Who? .. So after your ... your team ...
No, it's not mine!
- ???
Dad angrily waved his hand, leaned forward, and how garknet!
-Synki! Ysho couple pugvits - Mr. Rusty no !!! Strap - on eggs !!! Sleeves - kata! Kalash-on-chest!
Looked chuckled,
-In! Another thing! That is - MY !!!
Twilight storeroom. On the table, bread, bacon, half a bottle of vodka, hardly produced in the garrison storage shed, aluminum circle, one for three. The door opens, and appears in the opening Corps Commander (Margelov) in a leather jacket. Dumb.
- What you drink, the paratroopers?
- We ... We ...
Kolka - What Kolka?
- Birthday Kolka, Comrade General.
- Well, Kolya, be healthy! - He appealed to the newborn Margelov and pouring the rest into a mug of vodka and drank it in one gulp. - And now the forward march to sleep!
They waited for the guards spacing and punishment. And it is not followed by either the morning or the next day ...
- Sons, proud to have served in the Airborne and vest should show so! ..
They say that with VF Margelov was such a case. Rings, they say, it the duty of the police department and said: & quot; ... Vasily Filippovich, we're in the city arrested two of your drunken paratroopers! .. & Quot; What Margelov replied: & quot; ... no, it's not my Marines! & Quot; and hung up.
It takes a little time, again in the house Margelov phone rang. The policeman excited, agitated voice says, "Vasily Filippovich! Two of your paratrooper who today held up the police and deliver them to the office, sobered up, beaten outfit blew duty unit, smashed a window and escaped through it! .. »
And then VF Margelov said, "Yes! Here are my Marines! »

The new regiment commander, VF Margelov in the morning arrived at the battalion went into the kitchen and asked the cook than the feed soldiers.
- Millet porridge with beef stewed meat, - said the cook.
- Well, as all men happy? - Question followed commander.
- That's right, eat - much as the ears rustle! - Too dashing chef has reported.
- Come on, then pour and I - asked the commander.
Cook scooped porridge, trying to catch a little more meat, and poured it into a round pot, which put in front of the regimental commander, and he sat down side by side. After the first spoonful face twisted commander, a scar on his cheek nalilsya blood.
- You yourself, then tasted the porridge? - He asked the cook.
- No, sir, - sensing evil and dejectedly said Cook.
Then the regimental commander put on a pot of porridge cook down. Porridge poured ... Laughter fighters shook district. And then, and rushed "messengers" from "terrible news" - Dad cook pot thrown.
Commander of the Airborne Forces, Army General Margelov skeptical about the exercise and competition among paratroopers ball (football, volleyball, basketball).
In 1977, in the Ferghana poruchenets division commander Safronov VG (party of 4 local wars - Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Afghanistan, Angola, in the Airborne 1953) showed Margelov in the House of officers of the film about rugby ("captured" - US) . Margelov first movie to watch did not want to, but then agreed and looked (puffing on a cigarette traditional 'White Sea Canal "), paused ..." J ... your ... (the familiar text) - so there is a fight! ". Since that day, right there in the army commandos have appeared on the sports field posters "Rugby - Airborne!" And rugby balls have appeared in each troop unit. So far in his apartment-museum has a ball autographed by the first rugby team Airborne.
Margelov arrived in Ryazan in RKPU. I suggest there shakedown. One platoon of cadets engaged in the gym. Suddenly tumble Margelov with his entourage and Belomoro. The platoon commander flies and reported: "Comrade General of the Army, such a platoon of such a company fulfills the exercise" jump over the horse. " Margelov looked and said: "You do not jump through it - it is, you are ...".
Before shooting a film about the Airborne "Blue Lightning" the whole crew came to the hamlet (CA RKPU) look at the life and activities in the field. In the country a little commander "took" and began to discuss what should be the image of a paratrooper. Among the crew was nebolshogoo growth of a woman, the assistant director, who could be seen standing behind the men and Vasily Filippovich, with his characteristic bluntness, the director is responsible to the question:
- You show me a Marine in the film so that it any woman on the street "gave"! ..
A short pause, the filmmakers confused and heard the sound of a falling body - assistant director fainted!
"Comrade Commander, such a student to pass the state exam for airborne training with the assessment arrived perfectly! & Quot;
After this report, Vasily Filippovich took the record book and set great.
Once at the front review Vasily Filippovich Margelov, looking at the guy in the RD, UGC, and so on. D. Gave fighter ordered to undress. The explanation was brief: "It's not a trooper! Trooper for fifteen minutes a fight ... "As a result, the guy stayed in the Afghan with Ax and three additional stores!
On the eve of the exercise.
A team built on the parade ground at full ... duty on the part of the brigade commander reports VF Margelov already for the second time.
-Comrade Colonel! Entrusted to you some built! .. Etc.
-I DO NOT SEE! - Says the brigade commander. The duty of re-building, all are tightened, all puogovitsy, belts, blyazhi, socks ...
-ROVNYAYS !!! SMIRRRNA! Again reports.
Dad even angrier, pointing to the battalions:
-Who is it???
The attendant at a loss:
-How Who? .. So after your ... your team ...
No, it's not mine!
- ???
Dad angrily waved his hand, leaned forward, and how garknet!
-Synki! Ysho couple pugvits - Mr. Rusty no !!! Strap - on eggs !!! Sleeves - kata! Kalash-on-chest!
Looked chuckled,
-In! Another thing! That is - MY !!!
Twilight storeroom. On the table, bread, bacon, half a bottle of vodka, hardly produced in the garrison storage shed, aluminum circle, one for three. The door opens, and appears in the opening Corps Commander (Margelov) in a leather jacket. Dumb.
- What you drink, the paratroopers?
- We ... We ...
Kolka - What Kolka?
- Birthday Kolka, Comrade General.
- Well, Kolya, be healthy! - He appealed to the newborn Margelov and pouring the rest into a mug of vodka and drank it in one gulp. - And now the forward march to sleep!
They waited for the guards spacing and punishment. And it is not followed by either the morning or the next day ...