Why rumpled tank
Let's learn more about what is the situation and why it happens.
And it is called - the implosion TANKS (IMPLOSION)
Source: infoglaz.ru/?p=34736
Implosion - it is inherently "explosion inside" (the term is often applied to the atomic bomb). This term was not coined Schauberger, he came from nuclear physics and explosives, but what exactly it is understood he Schauberger?
1. Let's start with the opposite phenomenon, with explosions - a process that currently utilizes all modern technology. With it, everything is absolutely clear, this is the usual explosion (the upper part of the lower figure).
2. Now let's try to deal with the implosion (the lower part of the figure). If you take some finite amount of water and start to compress, decompress cycles!
For a better understanding, imagine a closed cylinder with a piston (syringe type). And inside - the water. What will happen if we begin to push the piston back and forth? More precisely - what happens to the "incompressible water"? Water really is incompressible. But she ... razzhimaema! To be more precise with a sharp decrease in pressure (the piston is pulled out of the cylinder), boil dissolved therein gases (primarily nitrogen, apparently), and boil the water itself! That is, when unclamping miniature vacuum bubbles formed (at least with reduced pressure). Now the second cycle - the start of a compressible fluid. Vacuum bubbles surrounding the pressure starts to shrink dramatically (skhlapyvatsya). This bubble wall with all their minimal dimensions tend to the center of a giant speed (actually it is the implosion - "explosion inside«).
In sharp skhlapyvanii reminiscent of a cumulative effect in the center of the bubble takes effect similar collision particle accelerators in research. Only things are going incredibly economical way - a nuclear reaction in the microscopic bubble vacuum without grandiose technical tricks! This will take place (at least!) - Heating of the bubble surrounding environment. Now, the figure is already quite possible to visualize - what happens during these cyclic contraction-expanding.
Posted in [mergetime] 1379177594 [/ mergetime]
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And it is called - the implosion TANKS (IMPLOSION)
Source: infoglaz.ru/?p=34736
Implosion - it is inherently "explosion inside" (the term is often applied to the atomic bomb). This term was not coined Schauberger, he came from nuclear physics and explosives, but what exactly it is understood he Schauberger?
1. Let's start with the opposite phenomenon, with explosions - a process that currently utilizes all modern technology. With it, everything is absolutely clear, this is the usual explosion (the upper part of the lower figure).
2. Now let's try to deal with the implosion (the lower part of the figure). If you take some finite amount of water and start to compress, decompress cycles!
For a better understanding, imagine a closed cylinder with a piston (syringe type). And inside - the water. What will happen if we begin to push the piston back and forth? More precisely - what happens to the "incompressible water"? Water really is incompressible. But she ... razzhimaema! To be more precise with a sharp decrease in pressure (the piston is pulled out of the cylinder), boil dissolved therein gases (primarily nitrogen, apparently), and boil the water itself! That is, when unclamping miniature vacuum bubbles formed (at least with reduced pressure). Now the second cycle - the start of a compressible fluid. Vacuum bubbles surrounding the pressure starts to shrink dramatically (skhlapyvatsya). This bubble wall with all their minimal dimensions tend to the center of a giant speed (actually it is the implosion - "explosion inside«).
In sharp skhlapyvanii reminiscent of a cumulative effect in the center of the bubble takes effect similar collision particle accelerators in research. Only things are going incredibly economical way - a nuclear reaction in the microscopic bubble vacuum without grandiose technical tricks! This will take place (at least!) - Heating of the bubble surrounding environment. Now, the figure is already quite possible to visualize - what happens during these cyclic contraction-expanding.
Posted in [mergetime] 1379177594 [/ mergetime]
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