Lost his memory and conscience.
Long wanted to go but did not go. There was about 8 years ago already everything I saw made me a painful impression. And yesterday dropped everything and went.
And from what he saw I was in shock.
One of the most well-equipped satellite cities of St. Petersburg - Peterhof - affects millions of tourists brilliant palaces and manicured parks, svezhepokrashennymi buildings and clean ponds. But few people know that just a few hundred meters from the Lower Park is robbed and plundered a monument to our ancestors - Holy Trinity Cemetery.
The cemetery, once the richest and most prestigious in Peterhof, is not even indicated on many detailed maps. It is located on the shore of the Gulf of Finland between all expanding to the west Lower Park and the park Prince of Oldenburg.
It will be 58 photos. And a little bit of text. I spread only in Yap.
Writing is not about anything. Look, I'm ashamed in front of them for us.
Photos made my 30.09.2013
The official status of the cemetery received in 1786, but was probably founded before. Here they were buried the most famous inhabitants of Peterhof. It found the final resting place of the founders odnin parks master gardener Peter Ivanovich Erler, who spent half a century in Peterhof, the palace architect Edward (Eugraph) L. Gan, is also given to the royal residence of fifty years. Edward L. built a lot of houses in St. Petersburg (in particular, the Lutheran Church on Cadet Street) and Peterhof (blagoustraivaetsya Monplaisir and Cottage, built the Bath building), rebuilding the village in the suburbs of Peterhof, but is known for having won the competition and has coped with an important task of the state - He drained the underground galleries of the Grand Palace. Note that the memory of Ghana is not perpetuated. The tomb of the famous architect was lost ...
Overgrown bushes, tall grass, fallen rotten trees showed that this forest a few hundred meters from the Palace and the Hermitage Marley does not touch the hand of a forester and gardener. Still, it was a cemetery - barbaric destruction and looting. All have long overgrown with grass - burial mounds have not survived, breaches and holes in the ground covered with leaves and filled swamp water. Moss-covered gravestones-oskloki not have carried no information. Moreover, stones crumbled before our eyes. I confess that nowhere in any churchyard world have I seen such desolation.
Gardeners Petra Erler, maker of the famous parks of Peterhof - Kolonistskogo, Alexandria, Lugovoi, Alexandria, the originator of the famous "Practical guidance for garden team", "lucky" more. His ashes and ndgrobie down of the cross was moved to Alexandria Park in 1970.
Erler Yegor Ivanovich (1808-1886), a citizen of Saxony, in 1844, joined the Peterhof palace greenhouses. From 1853 he worked as master gardener. He is the founder Kolonistskogo and Meadow Park and Alexandria Park, a private garden and Sergievka. The Peterhof was working with his brother, the famous master gardener Peter Ivanovich Erler.
In 1914, after the beginning of the 1st World War, against the background of rampant Germanophobia a portion of the boulevard Alexandrinskaya street to street Tsaritsyn was renamed Boulevard Speranskii after SI
Here I do not know is the tomb of his brother, it is none of my business, and business historians.
Can a relative of the famous Ushakov, could not find about it Old.
And from what he saw I was in shock.
One of the most well-equipped satellite cities of St. Petersburg - Peterhof - affects millions of tourists brilliant palaces and manicured parks, svezhepokrashennymi buildings and clean ponds. But few people know that just a few hundred meters from the Lower Park is robbed and plundered a monument to our ancestors - Holy Trinity Cemetery.
The cemetery, once the richest and most prestigious in Peterhof, is not even indicated on many detailed maps. It is located on the shore of the Gulf of Finland between all expanding to the west Lower Park and the park Prince of Oldenburg.
It will be 58 photos. And a little bit of text. I spread only in Yap.
Writing is not about anything. Look, I'm ashamed in front of them for us.
Photos made my 30.09.2013

The official status of the cemetery received in 1786, but was probably founded before. Here they were buried the most famous inhabitants of Peterhof. It found the final resting place of the founders odnin parks master gardener Peter Ivanovich Erler, who spent half a century in Peterhof, the palace architect Edward (Eugraph) L. Gan, is also given to the royal residence of fifty years. Edward L. built a lot of houses in St. Petersburg (in particular, the Lutheran Church on Cadet Street) and Peterhof (blagoustraivaetsya Monplaisir and Cottage, built the Bath building), rebuilding the village in the suburbs of Peterhof, but is known for having won the competition and has coped with an important task of the state - He drained the underground galleries of the Grand Palace. Note that the memory of Ghana is not perpetuated. The tomb of the famous architect was lost ...

Overgrown bushes, tall grass, fallen rotten trees showed that this forest a few hundred meters from the Palace and the Hermitage Marley does not touch the hand of a forester and gardener. Still, it was a cemetery - barbaric destruction and looting. All have long overgrown with grass - burial mounds have not survived, breaches and holes in the ground covered with leaves and filled swamp water. Moss-covered gravestones-oskloki not have carried no information. Moreover, stones crumbled before our eyes. I confess that nowhere in any churchyard world have I seen such desolation.

Gardeners Petra Erler, maker of the famous parks of Peterhof - Kolonistskogo, Alexandria, Lugovoi, Alexandria, the originator of the famous "Practical guidance for garden team", "lucky" more. His ashes and ndgrobie down of the cross was moved to Alexandria Park in 1970.
Erler Yegor Ivanovich (1808-1886), a citizen of Saxony, in 1844, joined the Peterhof palace greenhouses. From 1853 he worked as master gardener. He is the founder Kolonistskogo and Meadow Park and Alexandria Park, a private garden and Sergievka. The Peterhof was working with his brother, the famous master gardener Peter Ivanovich Erler.
In 1914, after the beginning of the 1st World War, against the background of rampant Germanophobia a portion of the boulevard Alexandrinskaya street to street Tsaritsyn was renamed Boulevard Speranskii after SI
Here I do not know is the tomb of his brother, it is none of my business, and business historians.

































Can a relative of the famous Ushakov, could not find about it Old.
