About Olympic Torch. Interesting details.
I want to start with a completely stunning story that struck me most in the heel. It began, in fact, a month ago, when in the hand of a remarkable athlete, a fantastic person Shavarsh Karapetyan ... I remind you that it is the same one that pulled 20 people from the trolleybus fell into Yerevan Lake and donated, in fact, on this his sports career. God grant long life to this man and the whole. That he went out the torch and, as you know, it was okay, because the Olympic torch is, faded out. Once bass have not, as they say.
But since then, as I understand it, only on video torch quenched 44 times. This is the guys bass.
Here is the regular extinguishing the torch, of course, raises a number of questions. The first question is very simple. As we have said, the Olympic torch makes the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant, creepy secret drawer, which collect ballistic missile "Sineva". We do not know how to fly their rockets - is a big state secret. But we can see how they lit the torch. In general, the torch is much easier to launch. It's such a big gas lighter. That's the question we are flying missiles as well as torches lit?
Continued under the cut ...
The second question is also very simple. As I said, the torch - there is a big gas lighter. She was in the Chinese market price of 6 yuan, well, the Russian 200 rubles. Meanwhile Krasnoyarsk Machine Building Plant this torch pay based on the price of 12942 rubles apiece.
Here, we do not know how they evaluate their missile - a terrible state secret. But we can see how they evaluate their torches. Here, we have to launch the same pricing as the torches? Well, it's a question of gold Glock pistols, which are found Navalny, the ministry bought at a price 4 times higher than the average.
The third question, even more interesting. That's all the time we were told that the money for torches get cool defense enterprise. Well, that is, even if there is something overpaid anyway it will go in mighty working hands, and so indirect subsidy of our great defense industry.
Well blogger Evgeny Kozlov dug, that the torch is not collecting state Krasmash, but some firm LLC "Alternative-999", which produces furniture on metal, refrigeration and commercial equipment on the premises leased to the defense engineering plant Krasmash.
Blogger Kozlov is calculated on the job - it was published on the website of the Siberian State Aerospace University. In her 15 students were asked to earn a month on the aforementioned Olympic assembly.
Wait a minute, what is LLC "Alternative-999"? General type then a secret defense plant. And now, if I come back, there I was arrested for espionage agencies. If a foreigner comes, all will end. And then some office in the territory Krasmash collects torches, furniture and refrigerators. Well, that's, why Krasmash provides the company its area?
If, for example, the production of furniture and other things could be implemented in the areas with the benefit Krasmash why this production is not engaged itself Krasmash? You can imagine that on the premises of Intel plant somewhere in the corner of the printed circuit AMD? Or that there is on the premises of Volkswagen collected, I do not know, Sony tape recorders?
In fact, this algorithm is well known. When all defense facilities there are desk. They are, incidentally, just multiply in an atmosphere of secrecy like cockroaches in the bin. And there's usually such a desk, her owners are somehow affiliated with the heads of companies and operates it so that all the profits from its operations currently receives, and its operating costs, let's say, the most subsidized enterprise in the area of which it is located. And they're paying a penny for rent.
Speaking about money. Here are the 15 students who were hired, they worked one month, well, somewhere in the 23 working days of a thousand rubles a day. It turns out that the payroll gone, well, 345 thousand rubles. The cost of order there is 200 million rubles. The balloon and the valve - it is, as you know, the material itself is worth a penny. How many of "option-999" Krasmash pays for the use of its production facilities, can imagine themselves in the extent of their depravity. In general, the rate of profit not sickly, and?
Yes, and time. Here, as we have explained (I already said), our Olympic relay will be the longest in history, the longest. Already brought the Olympic torch to the North Pole. There was no video, so we do not know how long he just there quenched. The space delivered. And the boys, well, it's a shame and a show-off, particularly in a country where it is said that we've got no money to pay pensions. That is the pension we have nothing to pay ... I certainly understand that even the Olympic torch into space is not as expensive to deliver. But, nevertheless, if the country is engaged in a polemic and that's when all the while explaining that she had no money to citizens, well, it's somehow been wrong.
Yulia Latynina, "Access Code". Taken from here: Source
But since then, as I understand it, only on video torch quenched 44 times. This is the guys bass.
Here is the regular extinguishing the torch, of course, raises a number of questions. The first question is very simple. As we have said, the Olympic torch makes the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant, creepy secret drawer, which collect ballistic missile "Sineva". We do not know how to fly their rockets - is a big state secret. But we can see how they lit the torch. In general, the torch is much easier to launch. It's such a big gas lighter. That's the question we are flying missiles as well as torches lit?
Continued under the cut ...

The second question is also very simple. As I said, the torch - there is a big gas lighter. She was in the Chinese market price of 6 yuan, well, the Russian 200 rubles. Meanwhile Krasnoyarsk Machine Building Plant this torch pay based on the price of 12942 rubles apiece.
Here, we do not know how they evaluate their missile - a terrible state secret. But we can see how they evaluate their torches. Here, we have to launch the same pricing as the torches? Well, it's a question of gold Glock pistols, which are found Navalny, the ministry bought at a price 4 times higher than the average.
The third question, even more interesting. That's all the time we were told that the money for torches get cool defense enterprise. Well, that is, even if there is something overpaid anyway it will go in mighty working hands, and so indirect subsidy of our great defense industry.
Well blogger Evgeny Kozlov dug, that the torch is not collecting state Krasmash, but some firm LLC "Alternative-999", which produces furniture on metal, refrigeration and commercial equipment on the premises leased to the defense engineering plant Krasmash.
Blogger Kozlov is calculated on the job - it was published on the website of the Siberian State Aerospace University. In her 15 students were asked to earn a month on the aforementioned Olympic assembly.
Wait a minute, what is LLC "Alternative-999"? General type then a secret defense plant. And now, if I come back, there I was arrested for espionage agencies. If a foreigner comes, all will end. And then some office in the territory Krasmash collects torches, furniture and refrigerators. Well, that's, why Krasmash provides the company its area?
If, for example, the production of furniture and other things could be implemented in the areas with the benefit Krasmash why this production is not engaged itself Krasmash? You can imagine that on the premises of Intel plant somewhere in the corner of the printed circuit AMD? Or that there is on the premises of Volkswagen collected, I do not know, Sony tape recorders?
In fact, this algorithm is well known. When all defense facilities there are desk. They are, incidentally, just multiply in an atmosphere of secrecy like cockroaches in the bin. And there's usually such a desk, her owners are somehow affiliated with the heads of companies and operates it so that all the profits from its operations currently receives, and its operating costs, let's say, the most subsidized enterprise in the area of which it is located. And they're paying a penny for rent.
Speaking about money. Here are the 15 students who were hired, they worked one month, well, somewhere in the 23 working days of a thousand rubles a day. It turns out that the payroll gone, well, 345 thousand rubles. The cost of order there is 200 million rubles. The balloon and the valve - it is, as you know, the material itself is worth a penny. How many of "option-999" Krasmash pays for the use of its production facilities, can imagine themselves in the extent of their depravity. In general, the rate of profit not sickly, and?
Yes, and time. Here, as we have explained (I already said), our Olympic relay will be the longest in history, the longest. Already brought the Olympic torch to the North Pole. There was no video, so we do not know how long he just there quenched. The space delivered. And the boys, well, it's a shame and a show-off, particularly in a country where it is said that we've got no money to pay pensions. That is the pension we have nothing to pay ... I certainly understand that even the Olympic torch into space is not as expensive to deliver. But, nevertheless, if the country is engaged in a polemic and that's when all the while explaining that she had no money to citizens, well, it's somehow been wrong.
Yulia Latynina, "Access Code". Taken from here: Source