On Meshchora (NN) businessman to death hammered Man
The editorial board of the portal ProGorodNN.ru relative Andrei Kudryashov came from Novosibirsk. It is only a few days appeared in Nizhny Novgorod. Last but not least, and to tell the media about the death of his nephew, Andrew. May 10, 2013 a young man stood up for the elderly grandfather, who started beating the "cool" uncle expensive cars. After receiving several blows to the head, he died 10 days later in the hospital. Now relatives of Andrew believe that trying to hush up the matter.
A child under the wheels. In the district "Mesherskoye Lake" jams are not uncommon. Near the entrance to the bridge and daily Bor Nizhny Novgorod hours idle in traffic jams kilometer. Those who are more cunning, trying to avoid a traffic jam in the yards. So it was and 10 May 2013. But this time, under the wheels of the car nearly hit a small child on the street Akimova. Seeing this, one of the locals - the grandfather, decided on their own to stop the movement of vehicles on the yard area. He called the local folks - 5 people, and began to spread on the road and the wheels stick. As a result, before heading off accumulated a fair amount of traffic jam.
Bill's head. The most impatient driver "Infiniti" popped up on the road. First, the conflict was short, with a generous use of obscene expressions. The driver of an expensive car refers to a person who is older than his years, 40-50: "Are you bl * I think if you are old, I do not ve **? You're the same guy Seb tries ** ** here. " And this May 10! The day after the Day of Victory in the Great War, the echoes of which, perhaps, greatly affected the life and of the pensioner. From the words of the driver goes into action: several times beats Andrey Kudryashov in the head and then kicked in the stomach of a pensioner, after which grandfather flying several meters. As witnesses say, then he shakes off, looking at the half-dead guy says, "Well, sort of is not dead", sits in his foreign car, and drives off. Ten days later, a guy dies in hospital after three operations.
Trying to "cover up." "You know that the killer - a powerful man. He is a businessman, he has a lot of money - said the victim's brother, Alexander Kudryashov. - He wants to evade responsibility. He wants to impute article "Causing death by negligence". He received a suspended two years and will continue to live! And we are our brother, no one will return. We want him to get the maximum, it is a real murder. Soon the court, and we want to attract maximum attention to this subject. " An apology from the guy responsible for the death Kudryashov family has not received.
here I took

A child under the wheels. In the district "Mesherskoye Lake" jams are not uncommon. Near the entrance to the bridge and daily Bor Nizhny Novgorod hours idle in traffic jams kilometer. Those who are more cunning, trying to avoid a traffic jam in the yards. So it was and 10 May 2013. But this time, under the wheels of the car nearly hit a small child on the street Akimova. Seeing this, one of the locals - the grandfather, decided on their own to stop the movement of vehicles on the yard area. He called the local folks - 5 people, and began to spread on the road and the wheels stick. As a result, before heading off accumulated a fair amount of traffic jam.
Bill's head. The most impatient driver "Infiniti" popped up on the road. First, the conflict was short, with a generous use of obscene expressions. The driver of an expensive car refers to a person who is older than his years, 40-50: "Are you bl * I think if you are old, I do not ve **? You're the same guy Seb tries ** ** here. " And this May 10! The day after the Day of Victory in the Great War, the echoes of which, perhaps, greatly affected the life and of the pensioner. From the words of the driver goes into action: several times beats Andrey Kudryashov in the head and then kicked in the stomach of a pensioner, after which grandfather flying several meters. As witnesses say, then he shakes off, looking at the half-dead guy says, "Well, sort of is not dead", sits in his foreign car, and drives off. Ten days later, a guy dies in hospital after three operations.
Trying to "cover up." "You know that the killer - a powerful man. He is a businessman, he has a lot of money - said the victim's brother, Alexander Kudryashov. - He wants to evade responsibility. He wants to impute article "Causing death by negligence". He received a suspended two years and will continue to live! And we are our brother, no one will return. We want him to get the maximum, it is a real murder. Soon the court, and we want to attract maximum attention to this subject. " An apology from the guy responsible for the death Kudryashov family has not received.
here I took
