The history of the development of the famous game STALKER
Under the cut full version
via Adekvas
Shooter. From Wolfenstein 3D to the present day
Tetrisovskaya history
Brief and instructive history of video games
Good old console games Sega
10 stories about the famous Siamese twins
3D Realms Anthology
Arcade machines: a little of the history of
Deadly Thinness: 10 Stories about famous women who died from anorexia
On the mobile apps in the Soviet Union
Actress who played the key characters in the television series "Game of Thrones" (30 photos)
Shooter. From Wolfenstein 3D to the present day
Tetrisovskaya history
Brief and instructive history of video games
Good old console games Sega
10 stories about the famous Siamese twins
3D Realms Anthology
Arcade machines: a little of the history of
Deadly Thinness: 10 Stories about famous women who died from anorexia
On the mobile apps in the Soviet Union
Actress who played the key characters in the television series "Game of Thrones" (30 photos)
The increase in utility tariffs in Voronezh 2012-2013
"Hare" in the "Soviet Union" ...