Undermining an enemy pillbox
The feat Zarudin company commander.
Yuri Zarudin Born in 1923 in the village of Ivanovka Semipalatinsk region, in a peasant family. In May 1941, the Komsomol was adopted in Grozny military infantry school. But war broke out and, after training on an abbreviated program, it is in December 1941 with the rank of second lieutenant was sent to the commander of a rifle platoon in the 58th Infantry Division of the 50th Army of the Western Front near Tula in the midst of the Battle of Moscow. And then - to February 1942 - the path of combat-infantry commander to Berlin. All the time at the forefront. He is retiring only for injuries and returned to the front. In the most dangerous place platoon commander, company commander, who personally raised the example of the attack fighters under heavy enemy fire and did everything to save the lives of his comrades when the seemingly impossible tasks.
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Returning to action after being seriously wounded, Lieutenant Zarudin took command of the rifle company, which together with the Polish Tadeusz Kosciuszko Division in late 1943, was fighting on the Belarusian land. Giving an example of the Poles, Zarudin several times raised a company attack. 50-100 meters ahead ... and the company of heavy enemy fire back pressed to the ground. There is an order, and it must perform. And so five days in a row, after which in the line of 48 people left only 9. They left the battlefield, supplemented by people, technology and forward again. Again loss, rearrangement, a new challenge.
Promotion of the offensive units of the regiment stopped the Nazi bunker. With the move to take it failed. Fooling too. Hard Nazis prepared for defense. Enemy lead does not allow even raise his head. What to do? How to destroy the bunker?
The company commander Zarudin make unconventional decisions, "Make mine!" No one ton of earth had to be dug and secretly pull to his side as a tunnel length of 70 meters was completed. Imagine the happiness of men, when at three o'clock our soldiers, bursting out of the ground, destroyed the guard, calculation and everyone who was in the bunker! In the same battle, the company commander Zarudin took command of the battalion itself. By morning the town Khandogy was released. On the battlefield remained lying hundred Nazis and four were captured.
For this fight Yuri F. command in December 1943, he was first introduced to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. But, as often happens in a combat situation, the documents were lost. Then, eight months of heavy fighting, and transitions Zarudin rifle company in the battles for the liberation of Belarus, where he was twice wounded.
June 23, 1944 a company under his command destroyed to a platoon of German infantry and lossless seized height 192, 2. Then, in cooperation with a neighboring company, fiercely defending successfully repulsed all counter enemy tanks. And the next day, the run crossed the river near the village Basia chewing Zarudin company rushes to the forefront of the Germans and into the environment. It seems to be a trap! But there is, within 14 hours of our soldiers constantly discourage counter enemy tanks and infantry, and, in the end, the Germans are retreating.
A company goes further. On boats and homemade rafts forcing the Dnieper, captures German trenches and continuous small-arms fire and keeps the beachhead guidance covers crossing the water obstacle. Again, despite the very difficult conditions, almost no serious losses. For this feat after resubmission Lieutenant Zarudin received his Gold Star.
After the war, Yuri F., like many other veterans, he remained in the army and took up his studies. He graduated from the Military Academy of Armored Forces and the Military Academy of the General Staff, commanded a regiment, division, corps, army, military force. He served as chief military adviser to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel-General Zarudin awarded and other awards: two Orders of Lenin, Order of October Revolution, three Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Suvorov III degree, Order of the Patriotic War I level and two orders of the Patriotic War II degree, as well as the two Orders of the Red Star and Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces».
It is good that, marking the Day of the Heroes of the Fatherland, we can express our gratitude to the veteran and his face expressed admiration for all the heroes who save our homeland in the difficult years of severe trials.
Author Alexander Radchuk
Originator nvo.ng.ru
Yuri Zarudin Born in 1923 in the village of Ivanovka Semipalatinsk region, in a peasant family. In May 1941, the Komsomol was adopted in Grozny military infantry school. But war broke out and, after training on an abbreviated program, it is in December 1941 with the rank of second lieutenant was sent to the commander of a rifle platoon in the 58th Infantry Division of the 50th Army of the Western Front near Tula in the midst of the Battle of Moscow. And then - to February 1942 - the path of combat-infantry commander to Berlin. All the time at the forefront. He is retiring only for injuries and returned to the front. In the most dangerous place platoon commander, company commander, who personally raised the example of the attack fighters under heavy enemy fire and did everything to save the lives of his comrades when the seemingly impossible tasks.
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Returning to action after being seriously wounded, Lieutenant Zarudin took command of the rifle company, which together with the Polish Tadeusz Kosciuszko Division in late 1943, was fighting on the Belarusian land. Giving an example of the Poles, Zarudin several times raised a company attack. 50-100 meters ahead ... and the company of heavy enemy fire back pressed to the ground. There is an order, and it must perform. And so five days in a row, after which in the line of 48 people left only 9. They left the battlefield, supplemented by people, technology and forward again. Again loss, rearrangement, a new challenge.
Promotion of the offensive units of the regiment stopped the Nazi bunker. With the move to take it failed. Fooling too. Hard Nazis prepared for defense. Enemy lead does not allow even raise his head. What to do? How to destroy the bunker?
The company commander Zarudin make unconventional decisions, "Make mine!" No one ton of earth had to be dug and secretly pull to his side as a tunnel length of 70 meters was completed. Imagine the happiness of men, when at three o'clock our soldiers, bursting out of the ground, destroyed the guard, calculation and everyone who was in the bunker! In the same battle, the company commander Zarudin took command of the battalion itself. By morning the town Khandogy was released. On the battlefield remained lying hundred Nazis and four were captured.
For this fight Yuri F. command in December 1943, he was first introduced to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. But, as often happens in a combat situation, the documents were lost. Then, eight months of heavy fighting, and transitions Zarudin rifle company in the battles for the liberation of Belarus, where he was twice wounded.
June 23, 1944 a company under his command destroyed to a platoon of German infantry and lossless seized height 192, 2. Then, in cooperation with a neighboring company, fiercely defending successfully repulsed all counter enemy tanks. And the next day, the run crossed the river near the village Basia chewing Zarudin company rushes to the forefront of the Germans and into the environment. It seems to be a trap! But there is, within 14 hours of our soldiers constantly discourage counter enemy tanks and infantry, and, in the end, the Germans are retreating.
A company goes further. On boats and homemade rafts forcing the Dnieper, captures German trenches and continuous small-arms fire and keeps the beachhead guidance covers crossing the water obstacle. Again, despite the very difficult conditions, almost no serious losses. For this feat after resubmission Lieutenant Zarudin received his Gold Star.
After the war, Yuri F., like many other veterans, he remained in the army and took up his studies. He graduated from the Military Academy of Armored Forces and the Military Academy of the General Staff, commanded a regiment, division, corps, army, military force. He served as chief military adviser to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel-General Zarudin awarded and other awards: two Orders of Lenin, Order of October Revolution, three Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Suvorov III degree, Order of the Patriotic War I level and two orders of the Patriotic War II degree, as well as the two Orders of the Red Star and Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces».
It is good that, marking the Day of the Heroes of the Fatherland, we can express our gratitude to the veteran and his face expressed admiration for all the heroes who save our homeland in the difficult years of severe trials.
Author Alexander Radchuk
Originator nvo.ng.ru