As MVideo throws for bonuses or fraud
The text deals extensively advertised MVideo bonus system, which in fact is not so, as they say in advertising.
Bonuses are designed to increase customer loyalty by tying the customer to the network of stores.
When you first purchase at checkout MVideo you free of charge and will almost immediately issued a bonus card which will accumulate bonuses at each subsequent purchase.
All products on the site contains information on accrued bonuses with their purchase, and you as a buyer already mentally think for themselves a discount on any purchased goods, which are obtained in the form of bonus rubles in the future. But do not rush to discount, in fact, it may be that the bonuses you did not see, as the company believes that you have accumulated too many of these bonuses and their issue will be wasteful.
So it was with me.
Continued under the cut ...
In autumn and in December 2013 made a lot of purchases by presenting the bonus card. It accumulated about 20,000 bonus rubles (equivalent to the usual rate), but the use of them I was not meant to be. MVideo unilaterally and without explanation blocked my bonus card. That's so taken and at one point blocked, what I learned at the checkout at the store the next purchase.
I called the hotline to find out what's wrong with the card, it is possible there was some mistake. After all, the company can not just take the bonus card and lock its very loyal customer. On the hotline said that the card is locked due to the fact that MVideo there is a suspicion that the purchase I did not commit and I need to provide to any store at least 70% of checks for purchases made by me, along with the application for unlocking. 100% checks was granted in store Mega Belaya Dacha. Officer a long time to scan them, and then took my statement and said that now need to wait for information from the bonus card.
After waiting for more than a week and did not get any information, I'm calling the bonus department. There's operator - Yarovenko Elizabeth in a very boorish manner stated that MVideo may at any time to exclude any member of the bonus program without explanation, and this information is available on the website. Also, she said that my bonus card is already likely no one will unlock. What, why and how to explain to me, too, no one will.
I have two suggestions to the account of this incident:
1. It's a policy of the company, just a block bonuses for those customers who have accumulated more of them a particular amount. It is sufficient to refer to paragraph rules, stating that the company is not going to explain anything.
2. to commit some kind of fraud on the part of certain employees MVideo, for example, from the heads of the bonus card. Cards are blocked, and the bonuses are displayed on personal needs. At the same time ordinary employees of this department either share or keep silent under the influence of management.
For an employee who would at least explain something, I go out failed. Head of the department of the bonus, according to the employees of this department, "not there." To communicate with the security services is also impossible.
Be careful when dealing with MVideo and remember that the so-called bonus rubles accumulated YOU for your purchase, in fact belong to the company and they just MVideo you can select them.
Bonuses are designed to increase customer loyalty by tying the customer to the network of stores.
When you first purchase at checkout MVideo you free of charge and will almost immediately issued a bonus card which will accumulate bonuses at each subsequent purchase.
All products on the site contains information on accrued bonuses with their purchase, and you as a buyer already mentally think for themselves a discount on any purchased goods, which are obtained in the form of bonus rubles in the future. But do not rush to discount, in fact, it may be that the bonuses you did not see, as the company believes that you have accumulated too many of these bonuses and their issue will be wasteful.
So it was with me.
Continued under the cut ...

In autumn and in December 2013 made a lot of purchases by presenting the bonus card. It accumulated about 20,000 bonus rubles (equivalent to the usual rate), but the use of them I was not meant to be. MVideo unilaterally and without explanation blocked my bonus card. That's so taken and at one point blocked, what I learned at the checkout at the store the next purchase.
I called the hotline to find out what's wrong with the card, it is possible there was some mistake. After all, the company can not just take the bonus card and lock its very loyal customer. On the hotline said that the card is locked due to the fact that MVideo there is a suspicion that the purchase I did not commit and I need to provide to any store at least 70% of checks for purchases made by me, along with the application for unlocking. 100% checks was granted in store Mega Belaya Dacha. Officer a long time to scan them, and then took my statement and said that now need to wait for information from the bonus card.
After waiting for more than a week and did not get any information, I'm calling the bonus department. There's operator - Yarovenko Elizabeth in a very boorish manner stated that MVideo may at any time to exclude any member of the bonus program without explanation, and this information is available on the website. Also, she said that my bonus card is already likely no one will unlock. What, why and how to explain to me, too, no one will.
I have two suggestions to the account of this incident:
1. It's a policy of the company, just a block bonuses for those customers who have accumulated more of them a particular amount. It is sufficient to refer to paragraph rules, stating that the company is not going to explain anything.
2. to commit some kind of fraud on the part of certain employees MVideo, for example, from the heads of the bonus card. Cards are blocked, and the bonuses are displayed on personal needs. At the same time ordinary employees of this department either share or keep silent under the influence of management.
For an employee who would at least explain something, I go out failed. Head of the department of the bonus, according to the employees of this department, "not there." To communicate with the security services is also impossible.
Be careful when dealing with MVideo and remember that the so-called bonus rubles accumulated YOU for your purchase, in fact belong to the company and they just MVideo you can select them.