True stories
* ... Once a student group DND could not tear off a naked guy from the naked girls ... Long ago, in Soviet times, I was in Vologda college, and we all went into self-imposed duty squad at a nearby police station site. Once one of the hostels received a phone call that late hour in a room of girls sitting the wrong guys get drunk and do not go to leave. When the five of us arrived, the room caught only two. The guy on the bed ecstatically "loved" the girl, and we have to pull them apart. Five strong guys pulled a guy's hands, feet, head and even a soft spot, but detached from girls could not. He pleaded: "I beg you, as human beings, give to finish, and then I'll give up !!!" And we gave him at that time, (a man, 50 years old). * ... I love dogs, at least: it is clear and nice (female, 30 years).
* ... An open letter: Lyubov, you are a woman worthy, nice, but I have to leave you. Each time your treats I get diarrhea. Love is love, and life is more expensive (male, 56 years).
* ... Somehow I was taken to accept a middle-aged patient. He had to inspect. I invited him to strip to his underpants. The man was "tipsy." I was very surprised that something black stuck between his legs. I asked: "What have you got?" He was embarrassed, but said in medical terms: "Penis". And he told the story. It turns out he - impotent and satisfy women homemade rubber object that was attached to his belt bandages. After he left, my colleague were able to take a breath and ridiculed (woman 48 years).
* ... Two years ago I decided to play a trick on his youngest brother, who was then 6 years old, and planted it in the video cassette tape of his adult cartoons with educational porn. I shut myself in my room and pretended to be preparing for the exams. The keyhole I could see everything. My brother with a neighbor of the same age quickly found a new cassette with a beautiful label and include it in the preview. That was something. They sat in front of a closed hands face and spying through splayed fingers. Silently. They watched it all off and silent. I am afraid that with the kids, and a shock is necessary to call doctors. But suddenly my spoke: "When I grow up, I will never torment the girls." Second detsadovets repeated this vow: "I will not marry at all, and the wife will make me so jumping on the couch." In this phrase I scared of loud laughter (man, 19 years old).
* ... Young women do not know how nice to undress in front of a man. They think that it is necessary to first remove non-essential pieces of clothing - scarves, jewelry, sweaters, and even foolishly waved it like a strip bar. They think that at this time a man, with bated breath, waiting for the exposure of intimate places. Mistaken, the man patiently waiting for her to grow inordinately tall tired of their rags, and it will remain naked. He should not. A motion at the same time remove the skirt, tights and all under them, and then sit on the edge of the bed and slowly and lazily start shooting earrings, rings. Believe me, it was in that moment you and overwhelm (female, 28 years).
* ... In Soviet times we were very ignorant about sex. One day in 1975, my husband brought home a condom. I was afraid of him, like a mouse or a rat. My husband was more experienced before marriage, he insisted on the protection, and when he came at me with this shovels condom, he samosnyalsya there we stayed. And we are sorry for this love affair, an hour trying to get a spoon. Yet they had to be inflated before use, we cheated one, and it burst. In general, the trouble with these funds had a lot of (female, 45 years).
* ... Twenty years ago it was decided to inflate a condom before use. And what fool came up with it? Which of the two should be inflated, and who laugh? I have personally lost all sexual attraction to a man with an inflated ball in his mouth. The last time I could not stand it. And I said to her lover: "So what? He blew himself - he and fly it like Winnie the Pooh the honey "(woman 49 years).
* ... Tell you about the case of my ex-wife. In 1991 privalivayu home late - in "Bobby drunk." My wife took pity and began to undress me, but by chance I found in my pocket panties a girl, with whom we have sex standing in the doorway. His wife raised her wail. I say that these pants I brought her a gift. She yells that they are old. I'm sober and I explain: "Well, you're my dark. It's "second-hand" - the American sale for the poor Russians. I have spent my salary on these shorts with mesh slammed. Wear it, do not hesitate. " But these shorts do not have to reproach his wife. It is to them that evening found labels Moscow garment factory. It was to no avail and then explain that this Russian emigrants probably passed those of wearing shorts in America. I remember my wife and I did not speak half a year (male, age not specified).
* ... Married men differ from idle on the cowards. Single men go for women in swimming trunks and take them off at the last moment. Zhenatiki the familiar gesture dragged pants with pants. And the love of doing it in a different way, trying to learn everything at once, and then stroking and consider what they got. Bachelors, they fan: those of you crawl, ask around, you will praise the chest, then your thigh compliment to Plummet. And during intercourse bachelors asking for verbal encouragement from a woman, and zhenatiki dismiss such praise, saying, then tell me - can not you see that there, stuck (female, 29 years).
* ... If I want to sleep with a decent man, then do so: I drink 5 grams of vodka (for smell) and go in another area after 22 hours on the street. Pretend vusmert drunken woman reeling, grab the corners of buildings or trees ... There will always be an intelligent man, who will pick up the defenseless woman and using her insane able to do their dirty work. Decent men are particularly susceptible to the street on drunk women. But decent prevent glue bums and drunkards. They also stick to my "drunken" special and offer to carry out the basement. From them I have one sure remedy: whisper in the ear of that sick with AIDS but sweet as the "Bounty". Understand, sympathize, and quickly run away from me (girl, 29 years old).
* ... A woman must always win "true love." Well, even after many years, she has to know what he has lost, and far away from her. This time, the revenge - a fairy tale for abandoned women.
* ... The most common erotic men went out at night to the toilet and, returning back door or mixed bed so casually lay her for another woman. And yet understood, it makes all sexual relations. The woman, of course, did not resist, and in the morning pretended that nothing had happened.
* ... An open letter: Lyubov, you are a woman worthy, nice, but I have to leave you. Each time your treats I get diarrhea. Love is love, and life is more expensive (male, 56 years).
* ... Somehow I was taken to accept a middle-aged patient. He had to inspect. I invited him to strip to his underpants. The man was "tipsy." I was very surprised that something black stuck between his legs. I asked: "What have you got?" He was embarrassed, but said in medical terms: "Penis". And he told the story. It turns out he - impotent and satisfy women homemade rubber object that was attached to his belt bandages. After he left, my colleague were able to take a breath and ridiculed (woman 48 years).
* ... Two years ago I decided to play a trick on his youngest brother, who was then 6 years old, and planted it in the video cassette tape of his adult cartoons with educational porn. I shut myself in my room and pretended to be preparing for the exams. The keyhole I could see everything. My brother with a neighbor of the same age quickly found a new cassette with a beautiful label and include it in the preview. That was something. They sat in front of a closed hands face and spying through splayed fingers. Silently. They watched it all off and silent. I am afraid that with the kids, and a shock is necessary to call doctors. But suddenly my spoke: "When I grow up, I will never torment the girls." Second detsadovets repeated this vow: "I will not marry at all, and the wife will make me so jumping on the couch." In this phrase I scared of loud laughter (man, 19 years old).
* ... Young women do not know how nice to undress in front of a man. They think that it is necessary to first remove non-essential pieces of clothing - scarves, jewelry, sweaters, and even foolishly waved it like a strip bar. They think that at this time a man, with bated breath, waiting for the exposure of intimate places. Mistaken, the man patiently waiting for her to grow inordinately tall tired of their rags, and it will remain naked. He should not. A motion at the same time remove the skirt, tights and all under them, and then sit on the edge of the bed and slowly and lazily start shooting earrings, rings. Believe me, it was in that moment you and overwhelm (female, 28 years).
* ... In Soviet times we were very ignorant about sex. One day in 1975, my husband brought home a condom. I was afraid of him, like a mouse or a rat. My husband was more experienced before marriage, he insisted on the protection, and when he came at me with this shovels condom, he samosnyalsya there we stayed. And we are sorry for this love affair, an hour trying to get a spoon. Yet they had to be inflated before use, we cheated one, and it burst. In general, the trouble with these funds had a lot of (female, 45 years).
* ... Twenty years ago it was decided to inflate a condom before use. And what fool came up with it? Which of the two should be inflated, and who laugh? I have personally lost all sexual attraction to a man with an inflated ball in his mouth. The last time I could not stand it. And I said to her lover: "So what? He blew himself - he and fly it like Winnie the Pooh the honey "(woman 49 years).
* ... Tell you about the case of my ex-wife. In 1991 privalivayu home late - in "Bobby drunk." My wife took pity and began to undress me, but by chance I found in my pocket panties a girl, with whom we have sex standing in the doorway. His wife raised her wail. I say that these pants I brought her a gift. She yells that they are old. I'm sober and I explain: "Well, you're my dark. It's "second-hand" - the American sale for the poor Russians. I have spent my salary on these shorts with mesh slammed. Wear it, do not hesitate. " But these shorts do not have to reproach his wife. It is to them that evening found labels Moscow garment factory. It was to no avail and then explain that this Russian emigrants probably passed those of wearing shorts in America. I remember my wife and I did not speak half a year (male, age not specified).
* ... Married men differ from idle on the cowards. Single men go for women in swimming trunks and take them off at the last moment. Zhenatiki the familiar gesture dragged pants with pants. And the love of doing it in a different way, trying to learn everything at once, and then stroking and consider what they got. Bachelors, they fan: those of you crawl, ask around, you will praise the chest, then your thigh compliment to Plummet. And during intercourse bachelors asking for verbal encouragement from a woman, and zhenatiki dismiss such praise, saying, then tell me - can not you see that there, stuck (female, 29 years).
* ... If I want to sleep with a decent man, then do so: I drink 5 grams of vodka (for smell) and go in another area after 22 hours on the street. Pretend vusmert drunken woman reeling, grab the corners of buildings or trees ... There will always be an intelligent man, who will pick up the defenseless woman and using her insane able to do their dirty work. Decent men are particularly susceptible to the street on drunk women. But decent prevent glue bums and drunkards. They also stick to my "drunken" special and offer to carry out the basement. From them I have one sure remedy: whisper in the ear of that sick with AIDS but sweet as the "Bounty". Understand, sympathize, and quickly run away from me (girl, 29 years old).
* ... A woman must always win "true love." Well, even after many years, she has to know what he has lost, and far away from her. This time, the revenge - a fairy tale for abandoned women.
* ... The most common erotic men went out at night to the toilet and, returning back door or mixed bed so casually lay her for another woman. And yet understood, it makes all sexual relations. The woman, of course, did not resist, and in the morning pretended that nothing had happened.