19 years in the expectation of a revolution (35 photos)
Well done, the monks.
Jonathan Utz / AFP / Getty
Aung San Suu Kyi lived under house arrest 12 of the past 18 years. She - the leader of the National League for Democracy, has achieved a decisive victory in the last elections, held in 1990. The junta refused to recognize the legitimacy of the vote.
Sygma / Corbis
Rise of "8888" - August 8, 1988 (8/8/88), the one in which thousands of people died.
Sygma / Corbis
At the demonstration "8888».
Peter Conrad
The protest in 1988 was violently suppressed. According to various estimates, several thousand people were killed.
03.07 Rungroj Yongrit / EPA / Corbis
General Than Shwe (Than Shwe), the leader of the military junta in the parade this spring.
Khin Maung Win / AFP / Getty
The junta moved the capital from Rangoon (now Yangon, they call it) in a new city Naypyidaw (Naypyidaw), which means "city of kings.»
Law Eh Soe / EPA / Corbis
That very "junta" in the government of their military ones.
Pornchai Kittiwongsakul / AFP / Getty
In addition to the opposition, the junta is also struggling with a variety of ethnic groups, some of which maintain their own army. Pictured Union soldiers «Karen National Union», who is fighting for the independence of their autonomy from the time of World War II.
Paula Bronstein / Getty
Student demonstration in December 1996.
Paula Bronstein / Getty
Student demonstration in 1996.
TW Photo / Corbis
Opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, a Nobel Peace Prize and the Sakharov Prize.
AFP / Getty
This undated photo of the meeting of the opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi (Suu Kyi) with General Than Shwe (Than Shwe). Despite the apparent kindness to the opposition, the government has repeatedly punish their leader. When her husband, the British fed, ill with cancer, she was refused a visa. He died and she had not even had time to see him.
08.08.07 Khin Maung Win / AFP / Getty
Members of the uprising in 1988, perform religious rites with the Buddhist monks on the 19th anniversary of the uprising.
EPA / Corbis
And this is the eve of the riots - a peaceful protest of the monks.
AFP / Getty
The demonstration in August 2007, Yangon.
The monks ignored the warnings and continued junta marches.
26.09.07 EPA
The temple «Shwedagon» in Yangon.
26.09.07 The Irrawaddy / AFP / Getty
The military fired tear gas.
27.09.07 Mandalay Gazette / AFP / Getty
After the dispersal of a demonstration in Yangon.

Jonathan Utz / AFP / Getty
Aung San Suu Kyi lived under house arrest 12 of the past 18 years. She - the leader of the National League for Democracy, has achieved a decisive victory in the last elections, held in 1990. The junta refused to recognize the legitimacy of the vote.

Sygma / Corbis
Rise of "8888" - August 8, 1988 (8/8/88), the one in which thousands of people died.

Sygma / Corbis
At the demonstration "8888».

Peter Conrad
The protest in 1988 was violently suppressed. According to various estimates, several thousand people were killed.

03.07 Rungroj Yongrit / EPA / Corbis
General Than Shwe (Than Shwe), the leader of the military junta in the parade this spring.

Khin Maung Win / AFP / Getty
The junta moved the capital from Rangoon (now Yangon, they call it) in a new city Naypyidaw (Naypyidaw), which means "city of kings.»

Law Eh Soe / EPA / Corbis
That very "junta" in the government of their military ones.

Pornchai Kittiwongsakul / AFP / Getty
In addition to the opposition, the junta is also struggling with a variety of ethnic groups, some of which maintain their own army. Pictured Union soldiers «Karen National Union», who is fighting for the independence of their autonomy from the time of World War II.

Paula Bronstein / Getty
Student demonstration in December 1996.

Paula Bronstein / Getty
Student demonstration in 1996.

TW Photo / Corbis
Opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, a Nobel Peace Prize and the Sakharov Prize.

AFP / Getty
This undated photo of the meeting of the opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi (Suu Kyi) with General Than Shwe (Than Shwe). Despite the apparent kindness to the opposition, the government has repeatedly punish their leader. When her husband, the British fed, ill with cancer, she was refused a visa. He died and she had not even had time to see him.

08.08.07 Khin Maung Win / AFP / Getty
Members of the uprising in 1988, perform religious rites with the Buddhist monks on the 19th anniversary of the uprising.

EPA / Corbis
And this is the eve of the riots - a peaceful protest of the monks.

AFP / Getty
The demonstration in August 2007, Yangon.

The monks ignored the warnings and continued junta marches.

26.09.07 EPA
The temple «Shwedagon» in Yangon.

26.09.07 The Irrawaddy / AFP / Getty
The military fired tear gas.

27.09.07 Mandalay Gazette / AFP / Getty
After the dispersal of a demonstration in Yangon.
