Mysterious places on Earth (20 photos)
Abhayagiri (Sanskrit) - Mount Courage in Ceylon, which is an old vihara (monastery), where in the Middle Ages lived many Buddhist monks of heretical schools Abhayagiri Vasin (School of the Secret Forest). The mountain and the school, which was located on it, is considered the most mystical and mysterious in Ceylon. The fate of the missing people in a strange way (and in the year 400 BC. E., There were about 5000) we only know that they left the island and settled on the other side of the Himalayas, possibly in the region of Shambhala. However, until now the traces of their settlements or the descendants of these people were found.
Prodigal PLACE - formerly known as the anomalous locations where the most incredible accident in the first place - a total loss of spatial orientation. The size of these anomalies varies from 100--200 m to 1-5 km. For seldom happens in nature townspeople walk, for example, in the forest - it is natural: no landmarks, like trees, to the same and step one foot (usually the right) most people a few inches shorter than the other, which is why no experience set the direction of a guide person can not walk in a straight line, and begins to describe circles 3--4 km in diameter. Many legends of evil spirits seeking swirl traveler associated with this particular organism. Many, but obviously not all. Villagers are more accustomed to hiking on the forest, much less lose their orientation, and this happens usually in the prodigal places well known to the peasants of the surrounding villages. In a rare show no such village. How can we explain that in certain places even an experienced person in danger of getting lost? It is easiest to assume that witchcraft prodigal places due to the nature areas: for example, heavily overgrown plot homogeneous forests or, as it is between the villages of USADA and the side located on the bank of the Oka, little-trodden path passing also through dense bush, forks and even locals often confuse them. Perhaps in some cases contribute to the emergence of the Prodigal anomalies of the magnetic field. It is now firmly proved that any person has its own magnetic compass, located at the base of the nose (according to other sources - in the cerebral cortex). Do citizens magnetic flair evident in the best case at the subconscious level, savages use it consciously, as usual, our villagers take some intermediate position: often use their natural UkompasomF without realizing it. Perhaps the formation of "enchanted place" contribute undeveloped deposits of iron ore, unminable.
Vodlozero - possible habitat strange unidentified creatures in Karelia. In 1928, above the village near Shuknavolok Vedlozero observed ten-span cylindrical body of the tail section which expires red flames and sparks. Breaking the ice, the object went under water. After that, local residents began to meet on the banks of some-headed creature just over feet tall with thin arms and legs. In 1932, the village has dropped a dense black cloud on the ground after it left the jelly-like substance. Now in the village Shuknavolok encounter strange noise television.
Huaraz - anomalous zone, the area in the Western Cordillera (Peru), where, according to the Peruvian ufologists, very often there are UFO sightings. For example, the summer of 1996, a terrible panic among Peruvian shepherds led to the emergence and landing with a terrible roar and the cold snap of the ambient air at once 2-cup-like devices, one came two big-humanoid creatures that were sampled in the local creek [message from ITAR-TASS 24.08.1996]. More recent reports of manifestations of anomalous phenomena in the area were not as detailed.
Ubar - the legendary and amazing in its history, the lost city, killed by an unknown catastrophe. Ubar has always been considered a literary fiction, but in 1990, archaeologists from the United States found in the sands of Oman strange ruins of numerous towers built 4,500 years ago.
Whitby, Whitby - possible abnormal place, the English abbey, known plenty of eyewitnesses observed ghosts. Here is the castle, the notorious fact that its gloomy walls inspired writer Bram Stoker to write a book Lord DrakulaF. The appearance of the castle ghosts celebrated to this day, what, for example, I'm sure the control abbey Leslie STEINTORP who personally saw one morning in the lumen of the windows in the castle silhouette translucent ghosts. Local residents in one voice say that in addition to the castle ghosts also chosen by the local cemetery and monastery in the wall which once walled break the vow nun who had the imprudence to fall in love with a visiting knight.
Balls message - mysterious rock formations perfectly round, found in the late 1940s in the jungles of Central American republic of Costa Rica. The balls have a variety of sizes - from ten centimeters to three meters or more in diameter. When aerial survey revealed that they are scattered over the surface of the earth is not by chance, but make geometric shapes. Their purpose remains a mystery. Experts baffled and origin balls themselves. It has even been suggested that they were created by aliens, because ancient people obviously could not grind stone to such a perfect shape. However, geologists say that in the pits and folds of the stone bed of mountain rivers also occur around the boulders. Fast flow causes them to rotate, forming over time round education. Could such balls appear and after the glaciers during the Great icing. The fact that the round puzzles, as it turned out, found almost everywhere. In Kazakhstan, the development of the sand pit was found a few large specimens of boulders deep enough. Dozens more such stones are always in a ravine - 5 km to the west of Zhirnovsk Volgograd region.
TEMPLE TEL Khazneh - the ancient complex of buildings, excavated by archaeologists Moscow in northern Syria, one of the earliest known places of worship of the planet, built at the end of IV millennium BC. e. Specialists of the Institute of Archaeology RAS believe that the temple was built by the architects of one of the ancient Semitic peoples (the others in those places did not exist), but what it is - remains to be seen. In the center of the prehistoric settlement built in the shape of an oval, located an 8-meter high cone-shaped temple tower. According to members of the expedition, is well preserved - even the plaster on the walls remained. Looks construction as well as six thousand. Years ago, --redkoe luck for archaeologists. All the buildings, including residential areas, built of mud bricks with a mixture of straw. The excavations yielded a lot of sensational finds. From a depth of almost 15 meters, archaeologists raised clay tablets from the 3rd millennium BC. e., where the ancient agronomist keep a record harvest. People of that time apparently looked the same as modern. One of the graves found in the village shows that ancient people had fairly large physique. In a stone tomb, scientists have found the skeleton of a huge 2-meter man, who was buried, according to then-rite, on the side with bent legs. Perhaps because of this it follows that for the 6 th. Semites years considerably reduced its growth. What was the reason - unknown
Meteor Crater (Barringer Crater, Devil's Canyon) - one of the largest and best-preserved other meteorite crater located near Diablo Canyon in northern Arizona (USA). Modern crater size: diameter - 1265 m, depth - 175 m elevation shaft - 40-48 m is assumed that the crater is the result of the fall to Earth about 27 thousand years ago dvuhmillionnotonnogo nickel meteorite the size 61--79 m. Apparently, it is the body of the meteorite was found in the area under the ground with the help of the drilling rig, but attempts to commercial production of nickel from the ground failed. Location of the crater for a long time been known to the local Indians, who used to own purposes metal fragments of the meteorite. The local tribes emerged a huge number of myths and legends associated with this sacred place. Scientists of the existence of the crater became known only since 1891. It's not the biggest meteorite that fell to Earth. In the Antarctic, on the island of Wilkes in 1962 discovered a meteor crater 241 kilometers and a depth of 800 m. In Canada, on the coast of Hudson Bay has a crater 443 km. From the 1950s to the present day many tourists and local residents report their observations of Meteor Crater: the emission of air and freezes UFOs. According to some reports, in the center of the crater sometimes allegedly observed gravimagnetic and chronal anomalies. The crater is not just used as a setting for the fantastic travel to other planets earthlings, the arrival of a huge UFO in "closed his secret from prying eyes Harbor».

Prodigal PLACE - formerly known as the anomalous locations where the most incredible accident in the first place - a total loss of spatial orientation. The size of these anomalies varies from 100--200 m to 1-5 km. For seldom happens in nature townspeople walk, for example, in the forest - it is natural: no landmarks, like trees, to the same and step one foot (usually the right) most people a few inches shorter than the other, which is why no experience set the direction of a guide person can not walk in a straight line, and begins to describe circles 3--4 km in diameter. Many legends of evil spirits seeking swirl traveler associated with this particular organism. Many, but obviously not all. Villagers are more accustomed to hiking on the forest, much less lose their orientation, and this happens usually in the prodigal places well known to the peasants of the surrounding villages. In a rare show no such village. How can we explain that in certain places even an experienced person in danger of getting lost? It is easiest to assume that witchcraft prodigal places due to the nature areas: for example, heavily overgrown plot homogeneous forests or, as it is between the villages of USADA and the side located on the bank of the Oka, little-trodden path passing also through dense bush, forks and even locals often confuse them. Perhaps in some cases contribute to the emergence of the Prodigal anomalies of the magnetic field. It is now firmly proved that any person has its own magnetic compass, located at the base of the nose (according to other sources - in the cerebral cortex). Do citizens magnetic flair evident in the best case at the subconscious level, savages use it consciously, as usual, our villagers take some intermediate position: often use their natural UkompasomF without realizing it. Perhaps the formation of "enchanted place" contribute undeveloped deposits of iron ore, unminable.

Vodlozero - possible habitat strange unidentified creatures in Karelia. In 1928, above the village near Shuknavolok Vedlozero observed ten-span cylindrical body of the tail section which expires red flames and sparks. Breaking the ice, the object went under water. After that, local residents began to meet on the banks of some-headed creature just over feet tall with thin arms and legs. In 1932, the village has dropped a dense black cloud on the ground after it left the jelly-like substance. Now in the village Shuknavolok encounter strange noise television.

Huaraz - anomalous zone, the area in the Western Cordillera (Peru), where, according to the Peruvian ufologists, very often there are UFO sightings. For example, the summer of 1996, a terrible panic among Peruvian shepherds led to the emergence and landing with a terrible roar and the cold snap of the ambient air at once 2-cup-like devices, one came two big-humanoid creatures that were sampled in the local creek [message from ITAR-TASS 24.08.1996]. More recent reports of manifestations of anomalous phenomena in the area were not as detailed.

Ubar - the legendary and amazing in its history, the lost city, killed by an unknown catastrophe. Ubar has always been considered a literary fiction, but in 1990, archaeologists from the United States found in the sands of Oman strange ruins of numerous towers built 4,500 years ago.

Whitby, Whitby - possible abnormal place, the English abbey, known plenty of eyewitnesses observed ghosts. Here is the castle, the notorious fact that its gloomy walls inspired writer Bram Stoker to write a book Lord DrakulaF. The appearance of the castle ghosts celebrated to this day, what, for example, I'm sure the control abbey Leslie STEINTORP who personally saw one morning in the lumen of the windows in the castle silhouette translucent ghosts. Local residents in one voice say that in addition to the castle ghosts also chosen by the local cemetery and monastery in the wall which once walled break the vow nun who had the imprudence to fall in love with a visiting knight.

Balls message - mysterious rock formations perfectly round, found in the late 1940s in the jungles of Central American republic of Costa Rica. The balls have a variety of sizes - from ten centimeters to three meters or more in diameter. When aerial survey revealed that they are scattered over the surface of the earth is not by chance, but make geometric shapes. Their purpose remains a mystery. Experts baffled and origin balls themselves. It has even been suggested that they were created by aliens, because ancient people obviously could not grind stone to such a perfect shape. However, geologists say that in the pits and folds of the stone bed of mountain rivers also occur around the boulders. Fast flow causes them to rotate, forming over time round education. Could such balls appear and after the glaciers during the Great icing. The fact that the round puzzles, as it turned out, found almost everywhere. In Kazakhstan, the development of the sand pit was found a few large specimens of boulders deep enough. Dozens more such stones are always in a ravine - 5 km to the west of Zhirnovsk Volgograd region.

TEMPLE TEL Khazneh - the ancient complex of buildings, excavated by archaeologists Moscow in northern Syria, one of the earliest known places of worship of the planet, built at the end of IV millennium BC. e. Specialists of the Institute of Archaeology RAS believe that the temple was built by the architects of one of the ancient Semitic peoples (the others in those places did not exist), but what it is - remains to be seen. In the center of the prehistoric settlement built in the shape of an oval, located an 8-meter high cone-shaped temple tower. According to members of the expedition, is well preserved - even the plaster on the walls remained. Looks construction as well as six thousand. Years ago, --redkoe luck for archaeologists. All the buildings, including residential areas, built of mud bricks with a mixture of straw. The excavations yielded a lot of sensational finds. From a depth of almost 15 meters, archaeologists raised clay tablets from the 3rd millennium BC. e., where the ancient agronomist keep a record harvest. People of that time apparently looked the same as modern. One of the graves found in the village shows that ancient people had fairly large physique. In a stone tomb, scientists have found the skeleton of a huge 2-meter man, who was buried, according to then-rite, on the side with bent legs. Perhaps because of this it follows that for the 6 th. Semites years considerably reduced its growth. What was the reason - unknown

Meteor Crater (Barringer Crater, Devil's Canyon) - one of the largest and best-preserved other meteorite crater located near Diablo Canyon in northern Arizona (USA). Modern crater size: diameter - 1265 m, depth - 175 m elevation shaft - 40-48 m is assumed that the crater is the result of the fall to Earth about 27 thousand years ago dvuhmillionnotonnogo nickel meteorite the size 61--79 m. Apparently, it is the body of the meteorite was found in the area under the ground with the help of the drilling rig, but attempts to commercial production of nickel from the ground failed. Location of the crater for a long time been known to the local Indians, who used to own purposes metal fragments of the meteorite. The local tribes emerged a huge number of myths and legends associated with this sacred place. Scientists of the existence of the crater became known only since 1891. It's not the biggest meteorite that fell to Earth. In the Antarctic, on the island of Wilkes in 1962 discovered a meteor crater 241 kilometers and a depth of 800 m. In Canada, on the coast of Hudson Bay has a crater 443 km. From the 1950s to the present day many tourists and local residents report their observations of Meteor Crater: the emission of air and freezes UFOs. According to some reports, in the center of the crater sometimes allegedly observed gravimagnetic and chronal anomalies. The crater is not just used as a setting for the fantastic travel to other planets earthlings, the arrival of a huge UFO in "closed his secret from prying eyes Harbor».