Appliances Victory
In 1938 he enlisted in the Magadan demobilization-sailor Ivan Boyko. Worked as a driver of heavy "Yaroslavets", drove to the Kolyma highway every different equipment for shock work received "Excellent-dalstroevtsu." In 1940 he married Alexandra Morishevoy also completely voluntarily enlisted in Dalstroy.
In 1942, the best chauffeur Ivan Boyko included in the delegation dalstroevtsev that carried gifts to veterans. Seen in the fighting part of the USSR shocked Ivan. The couple donated to defense their savings - 50,000 rubles, and wrote a letter to Moscow, where in February 1943 came the reply:
Thank you, Ivan and Alexander Leontievna, for the care of the Red Army. Your wish will be fulfilled.
Take my greetings,
Desire that they sounded Comrade Stalin was very simple: use listed them money to build the tank, and let them fight for it themselves. The first step towards the fulfillment of desires spouses Boyko became superior orders Dalstroi: "Free from work Dahlstrom carpool driver №6 control vehicles Boyko Ivan and worker trust" Kolymsnab "Boyko Leontievna heading volunteered for the front."
In November 1943, they finished a shortened course of Chelyabinsk Tank School and graduated junior technician Lieutenant - but were in reserve. Its IS-2 №40356 they received only the beginning of June 1944, in the 48th separate Guards. TTP. Ivan Boyko was appointed driver, and Alexander became the commander of the tank, which, according to some sources, there was a stark message "Kolyma". Just a few days they knocked out his first "Panther", however, ramming attack.
August 6, 1944, they were in a summary of the Soviet Information Bureau:
Our press has reported that the Soviet patriots husband and wife John and Alexander Boyko bought a tank on their labor savings. Currently they are in the ranks of the Red Army and fought against the Nazi invaders. The crew, where the commander Jr. Technician Lieutenant Alexander Boiko and driver Junior Technician Lieutenant Ivan Boyko, two weeks has destroyed five tanks and two guns of the enemy.
Tankers Boyko finished their battle your way to the liberated Prague.

In 1942, the best chauffeur Ivan Boyko included in the delegation dalstroevtsev that carried gifts to veterans. Seen in the fighting part of the USSR shocked Ivan. The couple donated to defense their savings - 50,000 rubles, and wrote a letter to Moscow, where in February 1943 came the reply:
Thank you, Ivan and Alexander Leontievna, for the care of the Red Army. Your wish will be fulfilled.
Take my greetings,
Desire that they sounded Comrade Stalin was very simple: use listed them money to build the tank, and let them fight for it themselves. The first step towards the fulfillment of desires spouses Boyko became superior orders Dalstroi: "Free from work Dahlstrom carpool driver №6 control vehicles Boyko Ivan and worker trust" Kolymsnab "Boyko Leontievna heading volunteered for the front."
In November 1943, they finished a shortened course of Chelyabinsk Tank School and graduated junior technician Lieutenant - but were in reserve. Its IS-2 №40356 they received only the beginning of June 1944, in the 48th separate Guards. TTP. Ivan Boyko was appointed driver, and Alexander became the commander of the tank, which, according to some sources, there was a stark message "Kolyma". Just a few days they knocked out his first "Panther", however, ramming attack.
August 6, 1944, they were in a summary of the Soviet Information Bureau:
Our press has reported that the Soviet patriots husband and wife John and Alexander Boyko bought a tank on their labor savings. Currently they are in the ranks of the Red Army and fought against the Nazi invaders. The crew, where the commander Jr. Technician Lieutenant Alexander Boiko and driver Junior Technician Lieutenant Ivan Boyko, two weeks has destroyed five tanks and two guns of the enemy.
Tankers Boyko finished their battle your way to the liberated Prague.