Once we happened to write about something that infuriates. Firstly, it sincerely. Everyone in this life is something in one degree or another are not satisfied. Someone to pain in the groin, someone - to a light itching. We wrote about the feminine traits that enrage; We wrote about the possessed, who were also enraged; on the latest topics that got much. We need to write about something that hurts, because it sincerely.
Me, as a man who loves a relatively healthy lifestyle (I call him that because he does not always coincide with the precepts HLS) is extremely furious, some people prefer to eat. I'm not talking about vegans, vegetarians, fatties and other guys, I'm talking about a wholesale majority of citizens who hold bad eating habits, which are rooted in the traditional upbringing of the Soviet and post-Soviet time, where minus 100 g body weight of the child were considered a disaster. Of course, all this stirred actively in sports, but now only a few indulge in sports. And on the couch or at the bar during the Olympics with a glass foam. In this article, we will focus on bad eating habits, which are desperately holding on for you or your loved ones.
1. There is everything from bread
"Without bread impossible to get enough!" - What a stupid man! "Eat with bread!", "Bread around the head!". A lot of people may refuse from eating meat, fish, milk and dairy products, but to give them the bread is extremely difficult. Spoon in one hand, in the other - a piece of bread - so eat a lot of citizens of the former USSR. To some extent this is also dependent, without bread people have a false sense of unsaturation, which depends on how closely some of them scored stomachs. Bread scores stomach very well, plenty of carbohydrates and a light sweet taste in the mouth cause some habit to such a diet. In addition, many people perceive as a small satiety overeating, not a lack of hunger. Despite the fact that "the bread around the head", most of the species of bread is not helpful. During the processing of grain removed almost everything useful, even an embryo, because the presence of fat in it is bad for storage. What remains is flour. There are whole wheat bread, bran is from, but for a healthy diet is enough to give up bread, or use it very little. I myself refused the bread and I know that it is not easy and very surprised people around, but it's effective, and I do not eat bread.
2. Tea, coffee and sugar are always
Sometimes I joke that my wife and I became friends because tea with sugar, both do not drink. It is not, of course, but such preferences are found in the spaces of our country very often. Recently sat with friends in a cafe, where there was a wide choice of tea, coffee and other beverages, have coffee with specific kinds of toppings. Well, one man and his wife took a cappuccino and honey. Then he added in unbearably sweet three garbage bags of sugar. In my logical question, "Do not slipnetsya you?" He was surprised and said: "Without the sugar! Tastier than that. " Damn, and this is the bad habit from which many can not refuse. Sometimes it is enough for one or two spoons to make something sweet, but some roll in a little more than dofiga sugar, which turns the drink into the syrup. And then we wonder why we have so many uses. As in the case of bread, many people marvel, how to drink hot beverages with sugar. Experience shows that it is possible. Most quality teas and coffees requires sugars, they are good enough in itself. I do not drink tea and coffee with sugar for many years, perhaps, so I go to the dentist only for the prevention and dental fillings I have.
3. There are late or not at all at night, under the pretext that you can not sleep
What is this garbage, dude? You did not think your dream is disturbing, because the stomach works on digesting your last meal? Especially in her present meat, which traditionally longer to digest?
It so happens that we are slaves habits. When our stomach is full for the night, we feel more confident. This state of our body takes the norm, moreover, it is believed that this is a common self-hypnosis. Because I, too, suffered from this disease (and here almost all items have a direct relation to me), I can safely say that when you do not have to relearn the night, sleep comes in the same mode as when it is less disturbing. Moreover, when you throw there after six or eat fast carbs, nothing changes. Self-hypnosis, dude!
4. The multi-piece meal
It's when you're going around the table and start eating. The first, second, salad, appetizer, and it all ends up the same dessert. The idea is that many lack the first and the second with a salad they cram. But even when you're not sated the first, second and salad you exactly enough. But then, when the table will remove all traces of the banquet, you need to drink tea with "something delicious"! Disgusting habit. Do you consume calories in one sitting for a good of this "Big Tasty" from the McDuck, if not higher. I assure you, is sufficient for the normal functioning of the second and lettuce, a little first and second or just second. I do not call to monitor the amount of calories, counting them and write. I appeal to follow the consumption because overeating - it's disgusting. No matter how much you may say that you have a hard job, with no quality training you can not round up all those calories. And they will turn into fat layers. You know, when reduces the amount consumed, the first time is difficult, and want to eat all the time, but then you get used to. The problem again is that a meal laid out in our traditional education, which is also sensitive about the fact that on the plate left a few pieces of food that frankly do not climb into the throat.
5. sweets after meals
Often in some catering after the order main dishes we asked about, not whether we want to take anything for tea. And many are taking. In the book "The Naked Ape" I read that having a meal in a sweet element important for primates because it means that the meal was a success. It is a vestige. It can be overcome if indulge in it. Consumption of sweet and starchy foods should always be controlled. But sometimes, like, of course.
6. insatiable snacking
When you eat, time passes quietly and pleasantly. There - the fastest way to have fun. Once it so happened that most people think of eating only full meals, snacks and here we seem to be weightless. Needless to say, as far as it is not so? Because of snacking at work in the form of cupcakes, bagels, nuts per day is dialed just over dofiga calories. We even had a post about snacking.

Once we happened to write about something that infuriates. Firstly, it sincerely. Everyone in this life is something in one degree or another are not satisfied. Someone to pain in the groin, someone - to a light itching. We wrote about the feminine traits that enrage; We wrote about the possessed, who were also enraged; on the latest topics that got much. We need to write about something that hurts, because it sincerely.
Me, as a man who loves a relatively healthy lifestyle (I call him that because he does not always coincide with the precepts HLS) is extremely furious, some people prefer to eat. I'm not talking about vegans, vegetarians, fatties and other guys, I'm talking about a wholesale majority of citizens who hold bad eating habits, which are rooted in the traditional upbringing of the Soviet and post-Soviet time, where minus 100 g body weight of the child were considered a disaster. Of course, all this stirred actively in sports, but now only a few indulge in sports. And on the couch or at the bar during the Olympics with a glass foam. In this article, we will focus on bad eating habits, which are desperately holding on for you or your loved ones.
1. There is everything from bread
"Without bread impossible to get enough!" - What a stupid man! "Eat with bread!", "Bread around the head!". A lot of people may refuse from eating meat, fish, milk and dairy products, but to give them the bread is extremely difficult. Spoon in one hand, in the other - a piece of bread - so eat a lot of citizens of the former USSR. To some extent this is also dependent, without bread people have a false sense of unsaturation, which depends on how closely some of them scored stomachs. Bread scores stomach very well, plenty of carbohydrates and a light sweet taste in the mouth cause some habit to such a diet. In addition, many people perceive as a small satiety overeating, not a lack of hunger. Despite the fact that "the bread around the head", most of the species of bread is not helpful. During the processing of grain removed almost everything useful, even an embryo, because the presence of fat in it is bad for storage. What remains is flour. There are whole wheat bread, bran is from, but for a healthy diet is enough to give up bread, or use it very little. I myself refused the bread and I know that it is not easy and very surprised people around, but it's effective, and I do not eat bread.
2. Tea, coffee and sugar are always
Sometimes I joke that my wife and I became friends because tea with sugar, both do not drink. It is not, of course, but such preferences are found in the spaces of our country very often. Recently sat with friends in a cafe, where there was a wide choice of tea, coffee and other beverages, have coffee with specific kinds of toppings. Well, one man and his wife took a cappuccino and honey. Then he added in unbearably sweet three garbage bags of sugar. In my logical question, "Do not slipnetsya you?" He was surprised and said: "Without the sugar! Tastier than that. " Damn, and this is the bad habit from which many can not refuse. Sometimes it is enough for one or two spoons to make something sweet, but some roll in a little more than dofiga sugar, which turns the drink into the syrup. And then we wonder why we have so many uses. As in the case of bread, many people marvel, how to drink hot beverages with sugar. Experience shows that it is possible. Most quality teas and coffees requires sugars, they are good enough in itself. I do not drink tea and coffee with sugar for many years, perhaps, so I go to the dentist only for the prevention and dental fillings I have.
3. There are late or not at all at night, under the pretext that you can not sleep
What is this garbage, dude? You did not think your dream is disturbing, because the stomach works on digesting your last meal? Especially in her present meat, which traditionally longer to digest?
It so happens that we are slaves habits. When our stomach is full for the night, we feel more confident. This state of our body takes the norm, moreover, it is believed that this is a common self-hypnosis. Because I, too, suffered from this disease (and here almost all items have a direct relation to me), I can safely say that when you do not have to relearn the night, sleep comes in the same mode as when it is less disturbing. Moreover, when you throw there after six or eat fast carbs, nothing changes. Self-hypnosis, dude!
4. The multi-piece meal
It's when you're going around the table and start eating. The first, second, salad, appetizer, and it all ends up the same dessert. The idea is that many lack the first and the second with a salad they cram. But even when you're not sated the first, second and salad you exactly enough. But then, when the table will remove all traces of the banquet, you need to drink tea with "something delicious"! Disgusting habit. Do you consume calories in one sitting for a good of this "Big Tasty" from the McDuck, if not higher. I assure you, is sufficient for the normal functioning of the second and lettuce, a little first and second or just second. I do not call to monitor the amount of calories, counting them and write. I appeal to follow the consumption because overeating - it's disgusting. No matter how much you may say that you have a hard job, with no quality training you can not round up all those calories. And they will turn into fat layers. You know, when reduces the amount consumed, the first time is difficult, and want to eat all the time, but then you get used to. The problem again is that a meal laid out in our traditional education, which is also sensitive about the fact that on the plate left a few pieces of food that frankly do not climb into the throat.
5. sweets after meals
Often in some catering after the order main dishes we asked about, not whether we want to take anything for tea. And many are taking. In the book "The Naked Ape" I read that having a meal in a sweet element important for primates because it means that the meal was a success. It is a vestige. It can be overcome if indulge in it. Consumption of sweet and starchy foods should always be controlled. But sometimes, like, of course.
6. insatiable snacking
When you eat, time passes quietly and pleasantly. There - the fastest way to have fun. Once it so happened that most people think of eating only full meals, snacks and here we seem to be weightless. Needless to say, as far as it is not so? Because of snacking at work in the form of cupcakes, bagels, nuts per day is dialed just over dofiga calories. We even had a post about snacking.