Internet memes c rainbow

A variety of creatures sick rainbow - a very popular online image, both Russian and foreign. Clowns, unicorns, pandas, kittens, fantastic heroes and ordinary people - in this strange role, it seems, tried everything. Deliberately primitive, sometimes 8-bit, allegedly "childish" style of drawing is also a hallmark of the meme.
In fact, the memorial depicts someone whose expressions of admiration dominated by a little less than full. Such one-sided positive, fanatical, not noticing the negative aspects of the subject (even scat rainbow) opinion or statement. Blockquote>
A bit of history h5> Mem hails from the site I-mockery, from August 2006, he was the owner came up, a RoG, somehow appealed to visitors about such treatment, "Rainbow, rainbow ... I blyuyuschih something very nice this image. Who know how to draw, picture, please, and send me. And I will publish. "
The theme was developed, thousands of pictures were painted (and are drawn to this day), and today the official website blyuyuschih rainbow - RainbowPuke.Com
In RuNet image is usually accompanied by the phrase "In my world, clowns puke rainbows and ponies cocoa butterflies" or something similar. And this distorted quotations from the cartoon "Horton Hears a Who," it says some Katie. "In my world live only pony. They eat rainbows and butterflies cocoa »