Penalty, can not be pardoned
10th place: In medieval England was considered a serious crime novel with a foreigner or a foreigner. All citizens who managed to expose an affair with the representatives of other countries, accused of treason and executed by quartering. Moreover, the accused could do nothing to help themselves: they are simply deprived of the right to vote.
9th place: In ancient China, and Maya Indians could easily be on the scaffold for the distortion of historical truth. For the correct display of history should be specially hired police officers who could be arrested any person who seemed to them suspicious. By the way, to cut the head of China was considered inhumane. His Chinese criminals were hanged or forced to swallow needles.
8th place: During the Inquisition guilty burned at the stake. This applies not only to people, but also books and letters, which were held over the show trials with a jury and witnesses. By the way, for communication with the devil never judged women who weigh more than 50 kg. It is believed that 50 kg - the maximum weight that can lift the broom, and without this vehicle witch, of course, will not be able to get on the Sabbath.
7th place: For the philosophical works that questioned the existence of God, it was possible to get to the rack or face a terrible death by drilling teeth. Yes, the first drill (of course, a primitive type) was invented precisely in times of medieval inquisition.
6th place: In medieval Florence criminals for life recorded at the nobility. In the days of the Republic the right to have only commoners and nobles had a very hard time.
5th place: In England, could shlopotat the death penalty for the production of gold from base metals.
4th place: In ancient Greece - for stealing vegetables from public plantations.
3rd place: the looting of the public treasury. For this was judged not only in the West but also in Russia. And we, before the execution, the criminals slapped burning birch twigs.
2nd place: Links. With the population of Siberia began to expel not only there, but also from there. Odoyevski exile, for example, died in the terrible climate of Sochi, which even houses scattered in two or three years.
1st place: Persian law on beer. During bad brew beer in Persia could choose - to be drowned in the real proof of your crime or drink it until upeshsya to death

9th place: In ancient China, and Maya Indians could easily be on the scaffold for the distortion of historical truth. For the correct display of history should be specially hired police officers who could be arrested any person who seemed to them suspicious. By the way, to cut the head of China was considered inhumane. His Chinese criminals were hanged or forced to swallow needles.
8th place: During the Inquisition guilty burned at the stake. This applies not only to people, but also books and letters, which were held over the show trials with a jury and witnesses. By the way, for communication with the devil never judged women who weigh more than 50 kg. It is believed that 50 kg - the maximum weight that can lift the broom, and without this vehicle witch, of course, will not be able to get on the Sabbath.
7th place: For the philosophical works that questioned the existence of God, it was possible to get to the rack or face a terrible death by drilling teeth. Yes, the first drill (of course, a primitive type) was invented precisely in times of medieval inquisition.
6th place: In medieval Florence criminals for life recorded at the nobility. In the days of the Republic the right to have only commoners and nobles had a very hard time.
5th place: In England, could shlopotat the death penalty for the production of gold from base metals.
4th place: In ancient Greece - for stealing vegetables from public plantations.
3rd place: the looting of the public treasury. For this was judged not only in the West but also in Russia. And we, before the execution, the criminals slapped burning birch twigs.
2nd place: Links. With the population of Siberia began to expel not only there, but also from there. Odoyevski exile, for example, died in the terrible climate of Sochi, which even houses scattered in two or three years.
1st place: Persian law on beer. During bad brew beer in Persia could choose - to be drowned in the real proof of your crime or drink it until upeshsya to death