Javier Bardem
When I see myself on the cover of the magazine, I realize that the world has gone mad.
I do not believe in God, but I believe in Al Pacino. If ever the phone rings, and at the end they ask me if I wanted to play with him, I think I just go crazy.
I realized that dream come true when the director Julian Schnabel showed Al Pacino my film "Before Night Falls." But nothing had happened. Just about three am Spanish time Pacino called me from New York and said he liked my work.
No premium is not able to make you a really good actor. "Oscar" is necessary only in order to get the audience to come to the cinema.
Over the past few years, I became quite good to talk in English - good enough to make it clear that this language will never be my mother. When I say "I love" or "I hate" in Spanish, so many things come to my mind, but when I say the same thing in English, the emptiness in my head.
I do not drive a car, and everything around it seems to be something extraordinary. Everyone but me.
When the Cohens called me "Old Men", I told them, "Look, I'm not the actor who you want, I do not drive a car, almost no say in English, and hate violence in all its forms." And they laughed, saying: "That is why we have called you and».
Over my hair in the "Old Men" all laughed, and some even asked how I was not tired to wear this wig. But actually, it was my own hair.
There are only two films where I am holding a weapon. In the first, "Perdita Durango" I appeared in 1996, and it was very violent movie, after which I sworn never to do something like that. So when 11 years later, the Coens have invited me to play in the "Old Men", I tried to hold back a long time and did not say "yes", but the Coens have always been my favorite directors.
I never perceived as the Coen two people. When they work, they become one - a monster with two heads. And these heads scattered compliments to each other and never argue. And when they say to you, they say, as one people.
I noticed that the people whom I consider talented - such as Milos Forman, Alejandro Amenabar, the Coens and Woody Allen - are working on the same principle: I do not know what I'm doing, I do not know how I do it, I just trying to do it - that's all.
The main thing in the movie - a story. So consider everything. And I think that the main thing - how you tell it.
In my childhood there was too much talk of politics and violence, and my uncle spent many years in prison because he was a fierce opponent of the Franco regime. But I like to live with this knowledge.
At some point you have to finally decide with your opinion. It is impossible to live all your life in the middle.
When at the age of six years, I came with a tiny role in the "bastards" by Fernando Fernan-Gomez (famous Spanish filmmaker. - Esquire), there was a scene where one man jokingly threatened me with a gun. According to the script, I had to laugh, but I began to cry. And then the director said: "This is certainly not what I wanted, but I still like it." That day I realized that from now on I will always argue with directors.
I started playing rugby when I was nine, and played to twenty-three. Since then, much has changed. In my time in rugby played a little thin people who almost went on the field with the ball. Now they are worn like a gazelle, and it all looks more like racing cars. But rugby has become more interesting.
Play rugby in Spain - it's like being a bullfighter in Japan.
Sometimes I ask myself why I chose this profession and why the absurd did not go to Africa - to save someone's life. But the answer is simple: I'm a hypochondriac, hypochondriacs go from a bad saviors.
Like many shy people, who no one seems shy, I'm very shy.
I believe that once people really were small monkeys. At least, every morning when I look in the mirror, I bring greetings to Darwin. At such times, it is especially evident rightness.
True beauty lies in the ugliness - that's what I tell myself every day.
I'm not a luxury. Black caviar for me - two fried eggs, potatoes and ham. And all this - on a large plate.
Once I was the king of parties, and now I'm an old man. A couple of cocktails, and the more I do not need anything.
In twenty years, we all regret that we did in fourteen to thirty-three regret that made twenty-five, but closer to fifty, it seems, we begin to feel sorry about everything. But what I realized: to hell with all of these pity.
In every man there is a constant struggle between who he is and what he should be. However, not all are able to observe this fight.
Our planet would be the best of all possible worlds, if all people were honest in what they do. If I'm an actor, I have to be honest actor. But if I were a plumber, I hope, I would have been an honest plumber.
I'm doing a movie just because it's nothing more I can.
Someone once said that the difference between an actor and a madman is that the actor is a return ticket and a madman in only one. And I agree with that.
The easiest - is to play someone who's still alive. This is the degree of responsibility that can easily drive you mad.
Actors - like tomatoes on the market, because everyone has a price. And I'm the same tomato. But I'm the tomatoes that do not care how much it costs.
I would not like to show too often doctors his penis.
I would prefer to die in silence. All the other circumstances of the death I care much less.
Best of all I remember the day when my father died.
His father left the family when I was very young, and I brought his mother and sister. So, we can say, I got a women's education.
People think that if you can see two actors love each other, it means that in real life, they love each other. Nobody even thinks that we simply pay money for it, and on the set of one necessarily repeats: "Play it diligently, you bastards, I do not believe».
Cinema - it's just a movie, as long as you do not do a movie that everyone will say, wow!
Being famous - is such nonsense. Thank God, in a hat and sunglasses, I still can walk around unrecognized anywhere.
I like it when life points to insignificance of what I'm doing.
I sing good - probably because I have a long neck.
Sometimes I catch myself on the fact that he would not mind to have a body of Brad Pitt.
I want to be remembered laughing.
No, I'm not Brad Pitt.
A source
I do not believe in God, but I believe in Al Pacino. If ever the phone rings, and at the end they ask me if I wanted to play with him, I think I just go crazy.

I realized that dream come true when the director Julian Schnabel showed Al Pacino my film "Before Night Falls." But nothing had happened. Just about three am Spanish time Pacino called me from New York and said he liked my work.
No premium is not able to make you a really good actor. "Oscar" is necessary only in order to get the audience to come to the cinema.
Over the past few years, I became quite good to talk in English - good enough to make it clear that this language will never be my mother. When I say "I love" or "I hate" in Spanish, so many things come to my mind, but when I say the same thing in English, the emptiness in my head.
I do not drive a car, and everything around it seems to be something extraordinary. Everyone but me.
When the Cohens called me "Old Men", I told them, "Look, I'm not the actor who you want, I do not drive a car, almost no say in English, and hate violence in all its forms." And they laughed, saying: "That is why we have called you and».
Over my hair in the "Old Men" all laughed, and some even asked how I was not tired to wear this wig. But actually, it was my own hair.
There are only two films where I am holding a weapon. In the first, "Perdita Durango" I appeared in 1996, and it was very violent movie, after which I sworn never to do something like that. So when 11 years later, the Coens have invited me to play in the "Old Men", I tried to hold back a long time and did not say "yes", but the Coens have always been my favorite directors.
I never perceived as the Coen two people. When they work, they become one - a monster with two heads. And these heads scattered compliments to each other and never argue. And when they say to you, they say, as one people.
I noticed that the people whom I consider talented - such as Milos Forman, Alejandro Amenabar, the Coens and Woody Allen - are working on the same principle: I do not know what I'm doing, I do not know how I do it, I just trying to do it - that's all.
The main thing in the movie - a story. So consider everything. And I think that the main thing - how you tell it.
In my childhood there was too much talk of politics and violence, and my uncle spent many years in prison because he was a fierce opponent of the Franco regime. But I like to live with this knowledge.
At some point you have to finally decide with your opinion. It is impossible to live all your life in the middle.
When at the age of six years, I came with a tiny role in the "bastards" by Fernando Fernan-Gomez (famous Spanish filmmaker. - Esquire), there was a scene where one man jokingly threatened me with a gun. According to the script, I had to laugh, but I began to cry. And then the director said: "This is certainly not what I wanted, but I still like it." That day I realized that from now on I will always argue with directors.
I started playing rugby when I was nine, and played to twenty-three. Since then, much has changed. In my time in rugby played a little thin people who almost went on the field with the ball. Now they are worn like a gazelle, and it all looks more like racing cars. But rugby has become more interesting.
Play rugby in Spain - it's like being a bullfighter in Japan.
Sometimes I ask myself why I chose this profession and why the absurd did not go to Africa - to save someone's life. But the answer is simple: I'm a hypochondriac, hypochondriacs go from a bad saviors.
Like many shy people, who no one seems shy, I'm very shy.
I believe that once people really were small monkeys. At least, every morning when I look in the mirror, I bring greetings to Darwin. At such times, it is especially evident rightness.
True beauty lies in the ugliness - that's what I tell myself every day.
I'm not a luxury. Black caviar for me - two fried eggs, potatoes and ham. And all this - on a large plate.
Once I was the king of parties, and now I'm an old man. A couple of cocktails, and the more I do not need anything.
In twenty years, we all regret that we did in fourteen to thirty-three regret that made twenty-five, but closer to fifty, it seems, we begin to feel sorry about everything. But what I realized: to hell with all of these pity.
In every man there is a constant struggle between who he is and what he should be. However, not all are able to observe this fight.
Our planet would be the best of all possible worlds, if all people were honest in what they do. If I'm an actor, I have to be honest actor. But if I were a plumber, I hope, I would have been an honest plumber.
I'm doing a movie just because it's nothing more I can.
Someone once said that the difference between an actor and a madman is that the actor is a return ticket and a madman in only one. And I agree with that.
The easiest - is to play someone who's still alive. This is the degree of responsibility that can easily drive you mad.
Actors - like tomatoes on the market, because everyone has a price. And I'm the same tomato. But I'm the tomatoes that do not care how much it costs.
I would not like to show too often doctors his penis.
I would prefer to die in silence. All the other circumstances of the death I care much less.
Best of all I remember the day when my father died.
His father left the family when I was very young, and I brought his mother and sister. So, we can say, I got a women's education.
People think that if you can see two actors love each other, it means that in real life, they love each other. Nobody even thinks that we simply pay money for it, and on the set of one necessarily repeats: "Play it diligently, you bastards, I do not believe».
Cinema - it's just a movie, as long as you do not do a movie that everyone will say, wow!
Being famous - is such nonsense. Thank God, in a hat and sunglasses, I still can walk around unrecognized anywhere.
I like it when life points to insignificance of what I'm doing.
I sing good - probably because I have a long neck.
Sometimes I catch myself on the fact that he would not mind to have a body of Brad Pitt.
I want to be remembered laughing.
No, I'm not Brad Pitt.
A source