On the streets of Afghanistan (4 photos)
On the streets of Afghanistan a haven for rastamanov
Afghanistan '50s and' 60s
20th anniversary of the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan
20 years from the date of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.
Museum of Historic Vehicles
"The Russian take no prisoners." Rise of the Soviet prisoner of Badaber
Yankee - go home!
Afghanistan through the eyes of a military pilot
Withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan (55 photos)
The war in the mountains (10 pics + text)
Memorial Day Afghans
This month was the deadliest for foreign troops in Afghanistan.
Rare photos of Afghanistan 1960's years, still untouched by war
Deadlock - the American dream (5 photos)
Deadlock - American Dream
300 free sites that will change your life for the better
300 stunning free services
400 coolest online resource for all occasions
News of the year
Afghanistan, 60 in color photos (36 photos)
The most famous pictures subjected to Photoshop
Photos that changed the world.
Afghanistan prisoner-2
Kandahar prisoners (22 photos)
Israeli sketches
Afghanistan '50s and' 60s
20th anniversary of the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan
20 years from the date of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.
Museum of Historic Vehicles
"The Russian take no prisoners." Rise of the Soviet prisoner of Badaber
Yankee - go home!
Afghanistan through the eyes of a military pilot
Withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan (55 photos)
The war in the mountains (10 pics + text)
Memorial Day Afghans
This month was the deadliest for foreign troops in Afghanistan.
Rare photos of Afghanistan 1960's years, still untouched by war
Deadlock - the American dream (5 photos)
Deadlock - American Dream
300 free sites that will change your life for the better
300 stunning free services
400 coolest online resource for all occasions
News of the year
Afghanistan, 60 in color photos (36 photos)
The most famous pictures subjected to Photoshop
Photos that changed the world.
Afghanistan prisoner-2
Kandahar prisoners (22 photos)
Israeli sketches
When the glass is half empty (10 photos)
Madagascar cat Voss (21 photos)