Van Gogh and Jack the Ripper - one person (6 photos)
Author of the book "Vincent nicknamed Jack" Dale Larner compared the facts known about the mysterious Jack the Ripper with some facts about the great Van Gogh, and came to the shocking conclusion - this is one and the same person!
. Van Gogh "hidden" image of the Ripper victims of one of his paintings
Dale Larner found on the painting of Van Gogh's "Irises" shape, resembling the position of the body and disfigured face of one of the victims of Jack the Ripper - Mary Kelly.
2. The handwriting is similar to Van Gogh's handwriting Ripper
The above are examples of writing several letters taken from the letters the Ripper (left) and Van Gogh (right). It is not necessary to be an expert to notice the extraordinary similarity of handwritings.
3. Ripper murder committed a few days before the birth of Mother van Gogh
Mother Vincent van Gogh
Four victims of London's killers were found a few days before the birth of the artist's mother (she was born September 10):
September 5, 1873 - the first murder.
September 8, 1888 - the third killing.
September 8, 1888 - the same night.
September 10, 1889 - the last murder, 70-year anniversary of Van Gogh's mother.
4. Van Gogh lived in London
Vincent Van Gogh at the age of 19 years
Few people know that at the age of 20 years, Vincent moved from Holland to London. Dismembered woman's body was fished out of the Thames, just a few months after his arrival. It was the first murder. The second was followed by more in nine months, just when Vincent was rejected by the daughter of his landlord.
5. The story of his ear cut off coincides with a break in the Ripper letters
September 24 - December 23, 1888
During this period, the police took 157 letters from Ripper. The longest interval between letters was 5 days.
December 23, 1888 - January 8, 1889
The longest interval between receipt of letters from the killer - 16 days.
December 23, 1888 - January 7, 1889
Van Gogh cut off his own ear at night on December 23, and the next morning in the hospital, where he remained until January 7. 16 days, for which Vincent was not possible to send a letter on behalf of the Ripper.

. Van Gogh "hidden" image of the Ripper victims of one of his paintings

Dale Larner found on the painting of Van Gogh's "Irises" shape, resembling the position of the body and disfigured face of one of the victims of Jack the Ripper - Mary Kelly.
2. The handwriting is similar to Van Gogh's handwriting Ripper

The above are examples of writing several letters taken from the letters the Ripper (left) and Van Gogh (right). It is not necessary to be an expert to notice the extraordinary similarity of handwritings.
3. Ripper murder committed a few days before the birth of Mother van Gogh

Mother Vincent van Gogh
Four victims of London's killers were found a few days before the birth of the artist's mother (she was born September 10):
September 5, 1873 - the first murder.
September 8, 1888 - the third killing.
September 8, 1888 - the same night.
September 10, 1889 - the last murder, 70-year anniversary of Van Gogh's mother.
4. Van Gogh lived in London

Vincent Van Gogh at the age of 19 years
Few people know that at the age of 20 years, Vincent moved from Holland to London. Dismembered woman's body was fished out of the Thames, just a few months after his arrival. It was the first murder. The second was followed by more in nine months, just when Vincent was rejected by the daughter of his landlord.
5. The story of his ear cut off coincides with a break in the Ripper letters

September 24 - December 23, 1888
During this period, the police took 157 letters from Ripper. The longest interval between letters was 5 days.
December 23, 1888 - January 8, 1889
The longest interval between receipt of letters from the killer - 16 days.
December 23, 1888 - January 7, 1889
Van Gogh cut off his own ear at night on December 23, and the next morning in the hospital, where he remained until January 7. 16 days, for which Vincent was not possible to send a letter on behalf of the Ripper.