Vandals have edited the article on Wikipedia MSU
Apparently someone uiniversitet main countries are not very pleased
The site Wikipedia, unknown vandals edited article about MSU, resulting in an article into a book of science fiction writer ...
So vandalnuyu version can be read here
An article about the incident in the newspaper lenta.ru
Here is an excerpt from the creative:
The main building was built prisoner by the Nazis in the old Indian burial ground, now awakened from sleep spirits avenge those who disturb them. When the Nazis prisoners die, overstrained on the rise exported from Egypt by Napoleon and abandoned them during a stampede in 1812 of stone blocks - the material dismantled the French pyramid, out of which the material is constructed PP - they bricked directly into the interconnect joints. Awakened by the hype about the 250th anniversary of the MSU spirits Indians moved into the walled body, koi break down the wall, down in the dungeon of Moscow State University and now petrified from lying in the concrete teeth gnaw neck Golden Stalin. When the head of the statue will be separated from the body, liquid nitrogen goes into the gas phase and with the sound of "Puff-f-f" GB will fly into the air and headed to Mars. Inhabitants GB colonize this planet and will initiate the resettlement of humanity throughout the galaxy.

The site Wikipedia, unknown vandals edited article about MSU, resulting in an article into a book of science fiction writer ...
So vandalnuyu version can be read here
An article about the incident in the newspaper lenta.ru
Here is an excerpt from the creative:
The main building was built prisoner by the Nazis in the old Indian burial ground, now awakened from sleep spirits avenge those who disturb them. When the Nazis prisoners die, overstrained on the rise exported from Egypt by Napoleon and abandoned them during a stampede in 1812 of stone blocks - the material dismantled the French pyramid, out of which the material is constructed PP - they bricked directly into the interconnect joints. Awakened by the hype about the 250th anniversary of the MSU spirits Indians moved into the walled body, koi break down the wall, down in the dungeon of Moscow State University and now petrified from lying in the concrete teeth gnaw neck Golden Stalin. When the head of the statue will be separated from the body, liquid nitrogen goes into the gas phase and with the sound of "Puff-f-f" GB will fly into the air and headed to Mars. Inhabitants GB colonize this planet and will initiate the resettlement of humanity throughout the galaxy.