The most stupid criminals passing year

According to the Washington Post, referring to newsru.com
10. Since the end of the rating is headed by 38-year-old man from Long Island. He was arrested after accidentally burned four vehicles parked in one place. But initially the attacker just wanted to profit from the fuel tank capacity is only one machine. However, just to merge gasoline through the neck of the offender is not realized.
But he came up with an extravagant idea to use a drill to his plan. In the process of drilling in the tank he slipped past the spark and, although the hapless thief had run off to the side, but the vehicle along with three other cars burned down.
9. A resident of Florida, Jonathan Lefebvre in their own skin convinced that stealing is wrong, and snakes steal - even worse. Without thinking twice, 20-year-old young man is supposed to have kidnapped snake breeder 5 reptile species. Unmask "brave" thief Visitors supermarket Wal-Mart, before which he appeared already covered in blood.
On his chest Lefebvre found one of rattlesnakes. Presumably, some of the stolen reptiles thoroughly bitten by the thief until he tried to implement his plan. Now Lefebvre in stable critical condition lies in the regional medical center in Orlando, where he was airlifted.
8. To the north-west of England almost the most stupid crime stories have become the tricks of Peter Edison, who was so proud of his thieving entity that left a policeman message, allowed to attack his trail. 18-year-old young man who has decided to profit at the campsite for the social disorder of children, brought up on the wall in black marker: "There was Peter Edison."
But stupidity Edison was truly boundless. When the police found him, "breakdown" of the database, the offender was wearing that same shirt, which stole from the children's camp.
7. The 24-year-old Holly Shnobrich certainly tries her children grew up independent and responsible. Otherwise it is difficult to explain why she has entrusted management of the car to his son. Frightening is that a child at that time was only five years old, and it will not even reach the pedals. It is unlikely that such a desperate step can be justified by the fact that she ate too much Shnobrich sleeping pills. The good news is that his mother, a native of Indiana, handed the wheel to his eldest son.
Already in the woman told police that took 86 sleeping pills and sedatives pills in the past two days. She believes it is an effective way to maintain control over the situation, when "children behave violently." Shnobrich was remanded in custody for 4 days.
6. Forest Kelly Bisonet of Englewood in Colorado robbed a bank using a note demanding money that he gave the employee behind the counter. Scattered attacker had not even thought about what scribbled a message on one of their checks, in which the police then easily calculated the 27-year-old robber.
5. Patrick Darnell Hunt from Shelby in North Carolina not only call the emergency services to report about the kidnapping of his marijuana, and cursing on the phone for a long time. Meanwhile, the information came to the police and was arrested the owner of the drug.
Police still had to listen to the American claims and make a list of stolen, which included three TVs, three DVD-player about 200 grams of marijuana and a bottle of white liquor. We add that before making nonsense and complain to the police, 39-year-old Hunt was released from prison.
4. Randy-Jay Jones Adolfos from Colombia in Pennsylvania has been charged in the robbery of a woman. Prey offender became wallet and cell phone.
Insatiable greed ruined robber: Adolfos Jones himself contacted the victim to offer to buy out her telephone for 185 thousand dollars. As a result of the offender and his 29-year-old victim of a bargain at $ 200, and at the completion of the transaction robber was waiting for the police.
3. Jeffery Mumani of Marion County in Florida decided to rob a pharmacy CVS, for which climbed into the ventilation system and got stuck. After sitting in a cramped position 10 hours, the thief had to call for help. Spend another 1, 5 hours, firefighters were able to pull Mumani from captivity.
The police rescued become excuses that allegedly climbed into the mine to rescue the cat meows, but the guards did not believe fiction. Mumani has been charged with attempted theft, especially as he had already caught on such crimes and it was found necessary to burglar tools.
2. It is necessary to have the courage or the stupidity decent, Scott Snow from Danbёri in Connecticut to smoke jamb directly at the police station. The offender tried not to attract attention, but in the end, the smoke from marijuana slipped through a bullet hole in the glass that separated the police officers coming from the public.
First smoker simply asked to put out his cigarette, he probably did. But when the smell of the drug reached the officers' sense of smell, squirt was immediately arrested.
1. Brian Poulin of Hebron in Connecticut literally terrorized rescue service calls seeking to bring him another beer, because it ran out of reserves. After some time together to rescue 35-year-old American to visit the police raided. They did not bring the suffering of beer, and arrested him for disorderly conduct.