Victims rides with animals

Not just get a dose of adrenaline, but a completely new sensations and experiences ... These adventures require courage, physical fitness, and sometimes - and great tension ... The most effective of them and, thus, not very expensive - it is to go "visit" to the wild animals and taste the horror of his own money ...

For fans of the meeting with extreme animals now no need to go into the jungle, or surf the distant sea - sometimes it is enough to go on a safari, or a crocodile farm, or visit the aquarium ...

These amazing shots taken at the zoo Canadian town of Cochrane. Here travelers offering a swim in the same pool with polar bears ...

Now the zoo is home three bears - Nanook of twenty-four male rescued from poachers in 1983, and female twins Nikita and Aurora, miraculously survived the mass extermination of polar bears in 2000 ...
Victims rides with zhivotnymi

According to the owners of the zoo, animal created conditions as close to natural ... They are under the constant supervision of veterinarians and zoopsychologists ... And visitors for $ 10 for adults and 6 children can get their dose of adrenaline ...

But despite the fact that the animals are separated from the men by a glass wall with a thickness of 9 centimeters, it is not harmless fun ...

Polar bears are recognized as one of the most dangerous predators on the planet ...

And it is not just words ... Here is a man who is a victim of a polar bear ...

He was lucky - the animal was able to shoot ...

But the fact that the animal had time to do a professional hunter for a few seconds, still defies description ...

Even battered surgeons were shocked ...
Victims rides with zhivotnymi

Somehow, I think that this daddy will not send their children to swim in the company of these wonderful animals ...