Kaleidoscope. №7
The court granted the petition of the Iranian citizen Hengame to his greedy husband Muslim Shahin, who made her a single small presents for all 10 years of marriage ... Now his compensation must present their zhene124000 red roses ... 47,036,263
The three-year child Azim Khan got special rights to manage the motorcycle in Egypt. They issued a Judicial Council after the boy showed them their skills. Azim Khan had to prove that he can control the powerful Enfield Bullet after his father put on a motorcycle a special extended system to Azim could reach the steering wheel and pedals. "It goes much more accurately than most adult drivers, I know" - proudly told his father.
And in China buttered giant steel bridge ...
The fact that it was chosen samoubivtsy. Clearly they interfere with traffic - because onlookers created huge traffic jams. The representative of the provincial government of Guangzhou, said: "We tried everything - placed guards on both ends of the bridge, installed fences and nets, they hung a sign with a request to commit suicide in some other place. Nothing helped. Suicides have continued to come to our bridge. Only now, after all plastered with oil, nobody is jumping, and the bridge resumed normal operation & quot ;. Emergency measures were taken after 1 month 8 person took his own life ... 57,046,734
In a number of Turkmen schools teachers forbidden to put a bad mark. Local officials thus decided to raise achievement in schools. In schools Dashoguz students put only "four" and "five". Students are happy - to learn lessons no fools. "And they even have the nerve to argue with the teacher, one who has put the" five "and the other" four ", although both almost did not answer the lesson" -konstatiruet one of the teachers. Earlier, at the initiative of former Turkmen President Saparmurat Niyazov in schools were canceled physical education classes and work, reduced teaching hours in mathematics and physics, and the vacant place in the program began studying the "holy books" Niyazov - "Rukhnama" (Turkmen version of Juche).
But the study "Rukhnama," no other evaluations, in addition to "good" and "excellent" and can not be ...
At the University of Madrid, "human-computer" Jaime Garcia from Colombia called from memory 150 000 digits after the decimal point in the number Pi (a wise number after three whole fourteen hundredths goes to infinity). And this clever Garcia without a mistake three days and three nights calling and called number of the figures - 150 thousand pieces. During the experiment took 652 largest slide to play on the screen at the audience all the numbers from memory uttered Colombian. He sat with his back to the screen and could see that it was designed. In other words, capable people in the world is ...
In Malaysia, the 107-year-old resident of Wook Kundor start searching for a new bridegroom, which should become the twenty-third husband ... Mademoiselle Kundor fears that her current husband, 37-year-old Muhammad Musa, may soon leave her for a younger woman. Currently Musa passes voluntary treatment for drug dependence in Kuala Lumpur, and an elderly Malay told reporters that he would not be alone. "I'm going to get married again, to get rid of the feeling of abandonment," - she said. Wook Kundor and Muhammad Musa married in 2006. For this was Kundor 22th wedding Musa also debuted ... He intended to teach Kundor Latin alphabet, and she Musa - basics islama.
In Lapland, at the local roads №353 in their home lives Icelandic Swedish Erold Sigurdsson. The road near his home makes a sharp turn, and drivers of timber trucks often travel at high speed here. So the other day Sigurdsson House for the third time filled up with the logs, which was carrying a passing timber. Sigurdsson has already learned a distinctive sound did not fit into the rotation of the truck and flying logs. Hearing the sound, he said the Swede, you have to run very fast ... In his house damaged by the front door and eight windows, and the car drifted logs kryshu.
Famous racer Schumacher was back in the spotlight. Michael was running late to the airport ... He called a taxi, but he got behind the wheel taksomobilya by grafting the driver in the passenger seat. And vtopil pedal'ku ... "I found myself a passenger, and it was quite strange, but get Schumi as a driver - it was unbelievable - said the taxi driver Tuncer Yilmaz. - He's on full throttle to take turns, and overtook in the most unimaginable places ».
As a result, Michael had at the airport, and the taxi driver Tuncer Yilmaz, was not only a master class driving champion of "Formula 1", and a tip of 100 euros.
Booby Bird was the main hero of the match, in which the Finnish team beat Belgium with a score of 2: 0. After 19 minutes, at a turning point on the crossbar Finns suddenly dived owl. After sitting there a little more than a minute, he flew to the other half of the field and sat on the crossbar of the Belgians. In total, until the referee and the players chasing the bird of prey, trying to drive off, the game was interrupted for more than six minutes. Filin, enjoying the bustle, he flew out of the stadium, after making a couple of laps around the field to the applause of 35 thousand zriteley.
A male Lyakh one evening went to a local brothel ... And a shock when he found among his staff Mrs spouse. As it turned out, this ancient way moonlighted good woman, explaining her absence her husband work on the night shift at the store, located in the neighboring town. "I was stunned. At first it seemed to me that all this is happening in a dream "- quoted by the Polish newspaper frustrated spouse, without specifying that the guardian of family values, he did in a brothel. The couple lived together for 14 let.
The three-year child Azim Khan got special rights to manage the motorcycle in Egypt. They issued a Judicial Council after the boy showed them their skills. Azim Khan had to prove that he can control the powerful Enfield Bullet after his father put on a motorcycle a special extended system to Azim could reach the steering wheel and pedals. "It goes much more accurately than most adult drivers, I know" - proudly told his father.

And in China buttered giant steel bridge ...
The fact that it was chosen samoubivtsy. Clearly they interfere with traffic - because onlookers created huge traffic jams. The representative of the provincial government of Guangzhou, said: "We tried everything - placed guards on both ends of the bridge, installed fences and nets, they hung a sign with a request to commit suicide in some other place. Nothing helped. Suicides have continued to come to our bridge. Only now, after all plastered with oil, nobody is jumping, and the bridge resumed normal operation & quot ;. Emergency measures were taken after 1 month 8 person took his own life ... 57,046,734
In a number of Turkmen schools teachers forbidden to put a bad mark. Local officials thus decided to raise achievement in schools. In schools Dashoguz students put only "four" and "five". Students are happy - to learn lessons no fools. "And they even have the nerve to argue with the teacher, one who has put the" five "and the other" four ", although both almost did not answer the lesson" -konstatiruet one of the teachers. Earlier, at the initiative of former Turkmen President Saparmurat Niyazov in schools were canceled physical education classes and work, reduced teaching hours in mathematics and physics, and the vacant place in the program began studying the "holy books" Niyazov - "Rukhnama" (Turkmen version of Juche).
But the study "Rukhnama," no other evaluations, in addition to "good" and "excellent" and can not be ...

At the University of Madrid, "human-computer" Jaime Garcia from Colombia called from memory 150 000 digits after the decimal point in the number Pi (a wise number after three whole fourteen hundredths goes to infinity). And this clever Garcia without a mistake three days and three nights calling and called number of the figures - 150 thousand pieces. During the experiment took 652 largest slide to play on the screen at the audience all the numbers from memory uttered Colombian. He sat with his back to the screen and could see that it was designed. In other words, capable people in the world is ...

In Malaysia, the 107-year-old resident of Wook Kundor start searching for a new bridegroom, which should become the twenty-third husband ... Mademoiselle Kundor fears that her current husband, 37-year-old Muhammad Musa, may soon leave her for a younger woman. Currently Musa passes voluntary treatment for drug dependence in Kuala Lumpur, and an elderly Malay told reporters that he would not be alone. "I'm going to get married again, to get rid of the feeling of abandonment," - she said. Wook Kundor and Muhammad Musa married in 2006. For this was Kundor 22th wedding Musa also debuted ... He intended to teach Kundor Latin alphabet, and she Musa - basics islama.

In Lapland, at the local roads №353 in their home lives Icelandic Swedish Erold Sigurdsson. The road near his home makes a sharp turn, and drivers of timber trucks often travel at high speed here. So the other day Sigurdsson House for the third time filled up with the logs, which was carrying a passing timber. Sigurdsson has already learned a distinctive sound did not fit into the rotation of the truck and flying logs. Hearing the sound, he said the Swede, you have to run very fast ... In his house damaged by the front door and eight windows, and the car drifted logs kryshu.

Famous racer Schumacher was back in the spotlight. Michael was running late to the airport ... He called a taxi, but he got behind the wheel taksomobilya by grafting the driver in the passenger seat. And vtopil pedal'ku ... "I found myself a passenger, and it was quite strange, but get Schumi as a driver - it was unbelievable - said the taxi driver Tuncer Yilmaz. - He's on full throttle to take turns, and overtook in the most unimaginable places ».
As a result, Michael had at the airport, and the taxi driver Tuncer Yilmaz, was not only a master class driving champion of "Formula 1", and a tip of 100 euros.

Booby Bird was the main hero of the match, in which the Finnish team beat Belgium with a score of 2: 0. After 19 minutes, at a turning point on the crossbar Finns suddenly dived owl. After sitting there a little more than a minute, he flew to the other half of the field and sat on the crossbar of the Belgians. In total, until the referee and the players chasing the bird of prey, trying to drive off, the game was interrupted for more than six minutes. Filin, enjoying the bustle, he flew out of the stadium, after making a couple of laps around the field to the applause of 35 thousand zriteley.

A male Lyakh one evening went to a local brothel ... And a shock when he found among his staff Mrs spouse. As it turned out, this ancient way moonlighted good woman, explaining her absence her husband work on the night shift at the store, located in the neighboring town. "I was stunned. At first it seemed to me that all this is happening in a dream "- quoted by the Polish newspaper frustrated spouse, without specifying that the guardian of family values, he did in a brothel. The couple lived together for 14 let.