Visiting the temple

Temple real, everything is as it should be - the monks, the monastery buildings, many hours of vigil-meditatsii.

However - this temple - Tigrinya ...

In August 1994, a wealthy Thai family owned Hung gave her a plot of land near the village of Phu My Daeng one of the most revered in Thailand Buddhist preachers - 80th Luangte Mahabua for the construction of a new monastyrya.Uzhe December were temporary wooden buildings, indoor elephant grass, and binding to a Buddhist monastery pond. December 23 Luangta officially blessed the new home, allowing her to be called by his full name: Wat Pa (t. E. The temple) Luangta Bois Yanasampanno («Wat Pa Luangta Bua Yannasampanno»). Barely which opened a new monastery became known in the area as a shelter for orphaned and injured all the inhabitants of the jungle. The first was a wounded wild goose that brought the monks one of the peasants. After some time in the monastery park settled peacocks, have chosen this place for their nests. Wounded wild boar also trudged to the monastery itself. Monks nursed him and released back into the forest, but the next day he came back - now with the entire family.
From that time to the present day hospitality abode enjoys countless wild pigs, which eventually added wild goats, deer, gibbons ... Forest Kanchanaburi province occupies the largest population of tigers (about 1500), hunting them is prohibited in the country, and a significant portion of their jungle included in national parks, but neither one nor the other does not stop the poachers. Skin, bones, whiskers and other parts of the body tiger widely used in traditional oriental pharmacopoeia and poacher can get for a tiger killed about 6,000 dollars, which is the income of the Thai resident for several years of hard work, and at the death of my mother-tigress (its easier track down) the hunter gets more and kittens ... The first tiger - a young cat a few months old - appeared in a monastery in February 1999. Then they brought two more ... Today the monastery is home to approximately ten tigers. Yes, most of the time they do not contain an absolute freedom, and in spacious enclosures and the territory of the monks lead them on leashes, but there is no violence (you can imagine how to keep the power of the tiger?), And when the tiger wants to, it leaves the monastery quite smoothly ! Yes, there are some tigers come here yourself, others come back to the jungle. Cubs are completely free, and indulge run throughout. Especially funny when they adhere to the monks with games during their prayers and meditations. Tiger leaves $ 12,000 a year. For the monastery a huge amount! Earn their monks from tourists. Help them volunteers, volunteers from different countries. Tigers are not specifically train, visitors are taken to the receipt of nepredyavlenii claims in which case ... Over the lifetime of the Tiger Temple was not a single case of aggression and attack. Truth for the sake say blood was shed - rambunctious cubs otsarapyvayut tourists (LJ read, but "strange" woman happiness to communicate the blood is not diminished). Now, photographs ...