Dogon tribe in Africa
Dogon tribe - a small unique African tribes living in western North Africa - in the Republic of Mali, near its border with Burkina Faso. To the small (about 200 thousand people) tribe are showing interest not only ethnographers, but astronomers. This tribe holds information that, in all the concepts and according to our perception of the world today, they just can not have.
Lifestyle Dogon still primitive. They have no electricity, running water and other utilities.
Adobe huts, dancing on stilts planted millet fields, burial caves - the most primitive culture.
In Dogon no written language. Myths transmitted by oral tradition from generation to generation, and building on existing tribe ideograms - a system of drawings and symbols.
The uniqueness of this people is that since the beginning of the century they connect their origins, ideology, culture and way of life with the star Sirius. The Dogon have very specific information about this star and its satellites (of which in their opinion 4). Their calendar and rituals tied to the 50-year orbital period of Sirius B around Sirius A. Sirius satellite detect, identify its color, to calculate the period of rotation and density without astronomical instruments, it is impossible. Sirius B - a dwarf star, which scientists did not know anything until the XIX century. Sirius B was opened in 1862, and its unusually high density was determined shortly before the First World War, which made it possible to carry the star of the category of "white dwarf." The Dogon say that it is very, very old and very small, and that it consists of a substance which they call "the heaviest matter in the universe" (which is close to the truth, though not exactly). And they say that this little star makes a complete orbit around Sirius' about 50 years. " This - detailed information. The remaining satellites astronomers have not yet open, but their existence is assumed.
Dogon were well aware of all the other planets in our solar system, including Neptune, Pluto and Uranus, which were discovered by us later. They knew exactly how these planets look at the approach to them from space, which also became known to us only recently. Dogon know that the Earth rotates on its axis and, moreover, revolves around the sun. They know that the Moon - "dry and dead" revolves around the Earth. Jupiter - four satellites and Saturn - "permanent halo" - ring. Dogon know that the stars are removed from the earth, which is close to the Sun only. The universe is populated by living beings. On the "other land", according to the Dogon live "horned, tailed, winged creeping people." With regard to plants, for example, seeds "before you get to the Earth" lay on the edge of the Milky Way "and" sprouted in all the worlds of the universe. " They also knew about the red and white blood cells, and they possessed all the information about human physiology, we have received only recently. And all of this comes from the "primitive" tribe!
On the question of scientists and ethnographers "How do you know all this was?" Dogon responded that they showed this wall paintings in their cave. In the Dogon on their land is a cave that goes deep into the mountains, and in this cave have murals that are more than 700 years. Certain people venerated saints in the tribe, sits in front of the cave and guarded it. This is his life's work. Feed him, care for it, but no one can touch him or approach. When he dies, his place is taken by another holy man. In this cave are amazing drawings. Where is the cave - a closely guarded secret, open that white people flatly refuse to priests; saying only that it contains a large number of "evidence." But there were those who still managed to go there. Eugene Garnier - Belgian adventurer, ethnographer, penetrated in 1932 in the sacred cave of the Dogon. Like its predecessors, the Europeans, after visiting the cave he could no longer live. Although the body of the dead in the cave there are no signs of violence, and the autopsy revealed nothing but a brain hemorrhage. Speak Eugene Garnier could not, but he had to draw something. His near-death pattern deposited in the archives of the Belgian Ethnographic Society. It was only in 1985 got in connection with keen interest to Sirius. And there is a system of four stars. Moreover, the figure shows a shot with starship console with typical equipment, screens, scale devices, antennas ... You Dogon do not kill anyone - it is contrary to their mythology. All his knowledge, according to their legends, people have received from God, who came down from the third star Sirius. He was in the ark, the ark was rotated. And rotatably supported by "breathing" through the nozzle. On landing Ark raised a cloud of dust ... The cave does have drawings showing a flying saucer coming down from the sky and land on three legs. There is also drawing a straight line connecting the Sirius system and our sun.
Lifestyle Dogon still primitive. They have no electricity, running water and other utilities.
Adobe huts, dancing on stilts planted millet fields, burial caves - the most primitive culture.
In Dogon no written language. Myths transmitted by oral tradition from generation to generation, and building on existing tribe ideograms - a system of drawings and symbols.
The uniqueness of this people is that since the beginning of the century they connect their origins, ideology, culture and way of life with the star Sirius. The Dogon have very specific information about this star and its satellites (of which in their opinion 4). Their calendar and rituals tied to the 50-year orbital period of Sirius B around Sirius A. Sirius satellite detect, identify its color, to calculate the period of rotation and density without astronomical instruments, it is impossible. Sirius B - a dwarf star, which scientists did not know anything until the XIX century. Sirius B was opened in 1862, and its unusually high density was determined shortly before the First World War, which made it possible to carry the star of the category of "white dwarf." The Dogon say that it is very, very old and very small, and that it consists of a substance which they call "the heaviest matter in the universe" (which is close to the truth, though not exactly). And they say that this little star makes a complete orbit around Sirius' about 50 years. " This - detailed information. The remaining satellites astronomers have not yet open, but their existence is assumed.
Dogon were well aware of all the other planets in our solar system, including Neptune, Pluto and Uranus, which were discovered by us later. They knew exactly how these planets look at the approach to them from space, which also became known to us only recently. Dogon know that the Earth rotates on its axis and, moreover, revolves around the sun. They know that the Moon - "dry and dead" revolves around the Earth. Jupiter - four satellites and Saturn - "permanent halo" - ring. Dogon know that the stars are removed from the earth, which is close to the Sun only. The universe is populated by living beings. On the "other land", according to the Dogon live "horned, tailed, winged creeping people." With regard to plants, for example, seeds "before you get to the Earth" lay on the edge of the Milky Way "and" sprouted in all the worlds of the universe. " They also knew about the red and white blood cells, and they possessed all the information about human physiology, we have received only recently. And all of this comes from the "primitive" tribe!
On the question of scientists and ethnographers "How do you know all this was?" Dogon responded that they showed this wall paintings in their cave. In the Dogon on their land is a cave that goes deep into the mountains, and in this cave have murals that are more than 700 years. Certain people venerated saints in the tribe, sits in front of the cave and guarded it. This is his life's work. Feed him, care for it, but no one can touch him or approach. When he dies, his place is taken by another holy man. In this cave are amazing drawings. Where is the cave - a closely guarded secret, open that white people flatly refuse to priests; saying only that it contains a large number of "evidence." But there were those who still managed to go there. Eugene Garnier - Belgian adventurer, ethnographer, penetrated in 1932 in the sacred cave of the Dogon. Like its predecessors, the Europeans, after visiting the cave he could no longer live. Although the body of the dead in the cave there are no signs of violence, and the autopsy revealed nothing but a brain hemorrhage. Speak Eugene Garnier could not, but he had to draw something. His near-death pattern deposited in the archives of the Belgian Ethnographic Society. It was only in 1985 got in connection with keen interest to Sirius. And there is a system of four stars. Moreover, the figure shows a shot with starship console with typical equipment, screens, scale devices, antennas ... You Dogon do not kill anyone - it is contrary to their mythology. All his knowledge, according to their legends, people have received from God, who came down from the third star Sirius. He was in the ark, the ark was rotated. And rotatably supported by "breathing" through the nozzle. On landing Ark raised a cloud of dust ... The cave does have drawings showing a flying saucer coming down from the sky and land on three legs. There is also drawing a straight line connecting the Sirius system and our sun.