Life in Space

15 facts about life in space.
Almost every astronaut is experiencing these or other manifestations of "space sickness". This is due to weightlessness and because of this, the malfunction of the inner ear, and the person finds it difficult to determine its position in space, and even the position of their limbs (closed eyes).
It's the least that happens to the brave souls dared to go into space. Because of weightlessness during the fluids in our body is disrupted, causing nasal congestion, leaching of calcium from the bones, accelerated formation of kidney stones. In addition, many of the muscles atrophy, leading to a deterioration of intestinal peristalsis, and even change the size of the heart.
There are positive aspects - due to zero gravity load on the spine is reduced, and the growth of the astronauts on the flight increases by a few centimeters.
When sent into orbit pregnant mice, it was found that there were offspring after experiencing (in the world), difficulty moving, as the formation of organs of the inner ear occurred in conditions of weightlessness
While there were no precedents, when the woman became pregnant in space /.
In 2001, the study showed that snoring on Earth, astronauts in space snore much quieter. This is including the superficiality of sleep a day after 16 people watching the sunrise, which affects its circadian rhythm.
Control Center in Houston to wake astronauts often broadcasts various musical works, selected based on their personal preferences
If a person enters the space without a spacesuit, hold your breath, as shown in some movies, it is useless - just a difference in pressure causes the gap lungs
In addition, the liquid in the tongue, nose and eyes starts to boil and evaporate. However, a person caught in weightlessness, explodes and dies instantly. He will remain in the minds of about 15 seconds, and then lose it because of a lack of oxygen, and the rest of the damage will not feel it. This happened in 1965, when due to a problem with one of the astronauts spacesuit for a short time in a vacuum. The last thing he remembered before losing consciousness - as the water begins to boil on the tongue. According to the calculations of physicians, two minutes later a man in space died from lack of oxygen.
Modern astronauts can add salt and pepper your food with liquid spices (salt and pepper). These spices into powder easily scattered on the bay, causing sneezing and eye irritation, as well as scoring the ventilation systems.
I must say that the ventilation system on the spacecraft's powerful enough to remove from the air loose objects that may threaten the lives of the astronauts, so often delayed handkerchiefs and other relatively large objects.
Due to the nature of the system in space toilet drain (it does not drain and draws wastes) astronauts have to as accurately as possible to sit on the toilet seat, why on earth they train on the model, equipped with video cameras.
NASA initially wanted to equip suits personal devices for cleaning waste products that take into account the anatomy of men and women, but after several unsuccessful attempts to have decided to use the generic diapers.
Returning from a mission, astronauts say that learning to walk again and move my arms and legs, as well as get used to the fact that tempered things fall down.
Documented destruction in space flights eighteen people, all of whom died during takeoff or landing, rather than directly in flight.