Portable Electronics
Modern technologies of the day or do not stand still and do not cease to surprise us with new and new inventions. We present you the last seven developments in the field of portable electronics.
1. At a fashion show by Diane von Furstenberg one of the models showed Points - computer from «Google». Unusual glasses equipped with a camera and have access to the Internet.
2. At the ceremony «Grammy Awards» took place in this year's singer Carrie Underwood struck all spectators dress from Don O'Neal. On the dress to project different images that accurately lay on the product and varies smoothly in motion.
3. Many users Ipod Nano Apple wear it on the strap as a clock. The tattoo artist Dave Qurban went even further. The man made a magnetic wrist piercings specifically for your favorite gadget.
4. Both men were dressed in costumes made from recycled bottles.
5. The girl swimsuit, sewed of photovoltaic strips with conductive thread.
6. Wrap with ears on his head girl is able to respond to the mood of his mistress. Ears can happily move, twitch or infamous whistle.
7. Points Recon designed specifically for skiers and are equipped with screen, which displays a map of ski hills. The novelty could be seen at the international exhibition «Consumer Electronics Show», which was held in Las Vegas in January this year.

1. At a fashion show by Diane von Furstenberg one of the models showed Points - computer from «Google». Unusual glasses equipped with a camera and have access to the Internet.

2. At the ceremony «Grammy Awards» took place in this year's singer Carrie Underwood struck all spectators dress from Don O'Neal. On the dress to project different images that accurately lay on the product and varies smoothly in motion.

3. Many users Ipod Nano Apple wear it on the strap as a clock. The tattoo artist Dave Qurban went even further. The man made a magnetic wrist piercings specifically for your favorite gadget.

4. Both men were dressed in costumes made from recycled bottles.

5. The girl swimsuit, sewed of photovoltaic strips with conductive thread.
6. Wrap with ears on his head girl is able to respond to the mood of his mistress. Ears can happily move, twitch or infamous whistle.

7. Points Recon designed specifically for skiers and are equipped with screen, which displays a map of ski hills. The novelty could be seen at the international exhibition «Consumer Electronics Show», which was held in Las Vegas in January this year.