Great Soviet watch industry
In the Soviet Union there was a strong watch industry. Soviet watches not only has stunning design, but also could compete in the famous Swiss precision mechanisms.
Prior to 1991, working in our country for about ten plants, which together produced a hundred brands of watches. Special attention should watch for military pilots and astronauts. Manufacturers of hours applied considerable effort and time to get really worth a sample. Some brands, despite the great popularity in Soviet times, today is a rarity. The price of such copies of up to several hundred dollars.
1. Ray
In the 60s and 70s dream intellectual. Superflat!
2 1 MWF them. Kirov
3. Seconda de lux
These watches were on exoprt
4. Shturmanskie
In these hours, Yuri Gagarin made his famous flight in space
5. Ray
The electro-mechanical watches
6. Dawn
7. Era
8. Seagull
9. Chaika
10. Launch
11. Launch
Clock for visually impaired
12. Launch
13. Launch
The so-called "television." Very popular design in the 70-80
14. Slava
15. Flight
16. Chron Flight
Civilian version of the Ocean
24-hour dial
18. Flight
Atomic protection
19. Electronics
Watch this line particularly popular
20. Electronics
Watch this line particularly popular
21. Electronics
Watch this line particularly popular
22. Electronics
Watch this line particularly popular
23. Electronics
Watch this line particularly popular
24. Electronics
Watch this line particularly popular
25. Electronics
Watch this line particularly popular
26. Electronics
Watch this line particularly popular
27. However, the story tight domestic clock does not stop.
And in our Russian reality, appeared hours Cosmonavigator
Prior to 1991, working in our country for about ten plants, which together produced a hundred brands of watches. Special attention should watch for military pilots and astronauts. Manufacturers of hours applied considerable effort and time to get really worth a sample. Some brands, despite the great popularity in Soviet times, today is a rarity. The price of such copies of up to several hundred dollars.
1. Ray
In the 60s and 70s dream intellectual. Superflat!

2 1 MWF them. Kirov

3. Seconda de lux
These watches were on exoprt

4. Shturmanskie
In these hours, Yuri Gagarin made his famous flight in space

5. Ray
The electro-mechanical watches

6. Dawn

7. Era

8. Seagull

9. Chaika

10. Launch

11. Launch
Clock for visually impaired

12. Launch

13. Launch
The so-called "television." Very popular design in the 70-80

14. Slava

15. Flight

16. Chron Flight
Civilian version of the Ocean

24-hour dial

18. Flight
Atomic protection

19. Electronics
Watch this line particularly popular

20. Electronics
Watch this line particularly popular

21. Electronics
Watch this line particularly popular

22. Electronics
Watch this line particularly popular

23. Electronics
Watch this line particularly popular

24. Electronics
Watch this line particularly popular

25. Electronics
Watch this line particularly popular

26. Electronics
Watch this line particularly popular

27. However, the story tight domestic clock does not stop.
And in our Russian reality, appeared hours Cosmonavigator
