Orenburg: between Europe and Asia
In late October, had been on a business trip with colleagues in the glorious city of Orenburg.
The town we liked - quiet, calm, so instead of the planned seminars and workshops, we walked and photographed!
45 Report on the photo (mostly from the European side of the city)
© CatrinTheBest
= 1 =
view from our balcony at 8am
= 2 =
our hotel. so still and I did not understand what street we lived.
like 60 October =)
= 3 =
the first thing we went for a walk
the pictures I personally, and my back Orenburg concert hall
and in the afternoon we were taken on a sightseeing tour of the city.
time to view the objects that gave us a little, so they had to "Crossing Europe and Aziyam» =)
but overall it was not bad
= 4 =
photo - view of the National Village
It is necessary to clarify, however, that the National Village in Orenburg a few farmsteads - Russian, Ukrainian, Mordovian, Kazakh, Tatar, Bashkir, Chuvash, German, Belarusian and Armenian. These are peoples who inhabited / populated city and its region.
= 5 =
National Village, the Russian Compound.
= 6 =
National Village, Ukrainian yard
= 7 =
National Village, Bashkir yard
= 8 =
view of the National Village
= 9 =
Kazakh yard
A further aspect of our trip was a complex "Victory Salute". This open-air museum dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. It presents a great many pieces of military equipment. Under them just right to make a separate topic. And I lay out here only the most interesting photos.
= 10 =
Plane at the entrance
= 11 =
= 12 =
multiple launch rocket system BM-21 "Grad»
for me as a person fascinated military equipment is a complex seemed a paradise
= 13 =
= 14 =
a memorial to the defenders of the city in the center of the complex
= 15 =
rather unexpected song - downed German plane
like that between times we were taken to one of the main attractions of the city.
The Ural River - is the natural boundary between Europe and Asia.
= 16 =
on the way to the river
= 17 =
bridge, which can pass from one part of the world to another
= 18 =
that's so funny inscriptions on the lookout
= 19 =
and over the Ural River stands a monument to the famous Soviet pilot Valery Chkalov
= 20 =
next to the lookout, bridges and Chkalov is the local museum.
exposure standard.
= 21 =
as I said at the seminar-workshops we podzibili little - very much like to see the city.
= 22 =
view from the Asian shore of the Ural River on the European
We crossed the river on a cable car
three-minute pleasure costs 50 rubles.
= 23 =
Europe back on the bridge
= 24 =
view of the bridge
we are still in Asia
= 25 =
a little bit of collage.
Stella in the middle of the bridge.
one side says "Europe", on the other - "Asia»
Orenburg main street - Sovetskaya. she was walking like Arbat in Moscow. however, in my opinion, in contrast to the Arbat, is more colorful and original. merchants preserved buildings of 18-19 centuries, smaller shops and boutiques. the same as there, giving the street a kind of charm.
= 26 =
Sovetskaya strictly
= 27 =
medical school seems
= 28 =
and in this building from 1850 to 1857 gg.uchilsya famous Kazakh writer and educator Ibra Altynsarin (1841-1889)
there is still a school
= 29 =
Paint the town
= 30 =
& quot; ... and a young Lenin
and the young in October to come ... & quot;
= 31 =
Paint evening Orenburg
= 32 =
Gorky Theatre
still Sovetskaya
after the hustle and bustle of Moscow Orenburg seemed to us something like a small paradise compact
= 33 =
monument to the founder of the city (name to my shame I do not remember)
= 34 =
= 35 =
Paint the town
= 36 =
a riot of colors
the third day
= 37 =
towering building - a city library and the archive, next to the Orenburg State University and the chapel
= 38 =
local caravanserai (mosque)
= 39 =
= 40 =
Local Government House
= 41 =
Orenburg there was a Cathedral of the Kazan (Tabynsk) Mother of God. It was built in 1895 by architect A.A.Yaschenko. It demolished in 1936. Instead of the cross just the House of Soviets
= 42 =
dust from the Kazakh steppes
= 43 =
Russian Orthodox Old Believers acting in the name of the Church of Holy Virgin. Historical and cultural monument of the 19th century.
= 44 =
TC "Tower" on Sovetskaya
there is a very cozy coffee shop "KofeOni", where the most delicious coffee and hot chocolate - ginger tea!
And finally - a historical reference.
Orenburg - a city in Russia, administrative center of the Orenburg region. The population of 538, 6 thousand. People. (2005), the 28th largest population in Russia.
It was founded on 19 (30) in April 1743. The first fort was built 31 August 1735 on the site of today Orsk, Orenburg, where came the name - "fortress on the river GPL".
I.I Neplyuev the summer of 1742 chose a new place, now it is the historical center of the city. Orenburg was moved to its present location in 1743 In 1744, became the center of Orenburg Orenburg province.
Orenburg was built at the junction of the Kazakh steppes and Bashkir lands and became a center established by Empress Elizabeth Russian Orenburg Cossacks. During the years of revolution and anarchy is predetermined covert struggle for the city, occupies a key position in the southern Urals.
In the period from 1938 to 1957 the city was named after Chkalov [1], after the famous Soviet pilot Valery Chkalov. His bronze sculpture is six meters high on the seven-meter pedestal stands on the embankment of the Ural River.
© Wikipedia
The town we liked - quiet, calm, so instead of the planned seminars and workshops, we walked and photographed!
45 Report on the photo (mostly from the European side of the city)
© CatrinTheBest
= 1 =
view from our balcony at 8am

= 2 =
our hotel. so still and I did not understand what street we lived.
like 60 October =)

= 3 =
the first thing we went for a walk
the pictures I personally, and my back Orenburg concert hall

and in the afternoon we were taken on a sightseeing tour of the city.
time to view the objects that gave us a little, so they had to "Crossing Europe and Aziyam» =)
but overall it was not bad
= 4 =
photo - view of the National Village

It is necessary to clarify, however, that the National Village in Orenburg a few farmsteads - Russian, Ukrainian, Mordovian, Kazakh, Tatar, Bashkir, Chuvash, German, Belarusian and Armenian. These are peoples who inhabited / populated city and its region.
= 5 =
National Village, the Russian Compound.

= 6 =
National Village, Ukrainian yard

= 7 =
National Village, Bashkir yard

= 8 =
view of the National Village

= 9 =
Kazakh yard

A further aspect of our trip was a complex "Victory Salute". This open-air museum dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. It presents a great many pieces of military equipment. Under them just right to make a separate topic. And I lay out here only the most interesting photos.
= 10 =
Plane at the entrance

= 11 =

= 12 =
multiple launch rocket system BM-21 "Grad»

for me as a person fascinated military equipment is a complex seemed a paradise
= 13 =

= 14 =
a memorial to the defenders of the city in the center of the complex

= 15 =
rather unexpected song - downed German plane

like that between times we were taken to one of the main attractions of the city.
The Ural River - is the natural boundary between Europe and Asia.
= 16 =
on the way to the river

= 17 =
bridge, which can pass from one part of the world to another

= 18 =
that's so funny inscriptions on the lookout

= 19 =
and over the Ural River stands a monument to the famous Soviet pilot Valery Chkalov

= 20 =
next to the lookout, bridges and Chkalov is the local museum.
exposure standard.

= 21 =

as I said at the seminar-workshops we podzibili little - very much like to see the city.
= 22 =
view from the Asian shore of the Ural River on the European
We crossed the river on a cable car
three-minute pleasure costs 50 rubles.

= 23 =
Europe back on the bridge

= 24 =
view of the bridge
we are still in Asia

= 25 =
a little bit of collage.
Stella in the middle of the bridge.
one side says "Europe", on the other - "Asia»

Orenburg main street - Sovetskaya. she was walking like Arbat in Moscow. however, in my opinion, in contrast to the Arbat, is more colorful and original. merchants preserved buildings of 18-19 centuries, smaller shops and boutiques. the same as there, giving the street a kind of charm.
= 26 =
Sovetskaya strictly

= 27 =
medical school seems

= 28 =
and in this building from 1850 to 1857 gg.uchilsya famous Kazakh writer and educator Ibra Altynsarin (1841-1889)
there is still a school

= 29 =
Paint the town

= 30 =
& quot; ... and a young Lenin
and the young in October to come ... & quot;

= 31 =
Paint evening Orenburg

= 32 =
Gorky Theatre
still Sovetskaya

after the hustle and bustle of Moscow Orenburg seemed to us something like a small paradise compact
= 33 =
monument to the founder of the city (name to my shame I do not remember)

= 34 =

= 35 =
Paint the town

= 36 =
a riot of colors

the third day
= 37 =
towering building - a city library and the archive, next to the Orenburg State University and the chapel

= 38 =
local caravanserai (mosque)

= 39 =

= 40 =
Local Government House

= 41 =
Orenburg there was a Cathedral of the Kazan (Tabynsk) Mother of God. It was built in 1895 by architect A.A.Yaschenko. It demolished in 1936. Instead of the cross just the House of Soviets

= 42 =
dust from the Kazakh steppes

= 43 =
Russian Orthodox Old Believers acting in the name of the Church of Holy Virgin. Historical and cultural monument of the 19th century.

= 44 =
TC "Tower" on Sovetskaya
there is a very cozy coffee shop "KofeOni", where the most delicious coffee and hot chocolate - ginger tea!

And finally - a historical reference.
Orenburg - a city in Russia, administrative center of the Orenburg region. The population of 538, 6 thousand. People. (2005), the 28th largest population in Russia.
It was founded on 19 (30) in April 1743. The first fort was built 31 August 1735 on the site of today Orsk, Orenburg, where came the name - "fortress on the river GPL".
I.I Neplyuev the summer of 1742 chose a new place, now it is the historical center of the city. Orenburg was moved to its present location in 1743 In 1744, became the center of Orenburg Orenburg province.
Orenburg was built at the junction of the Kazakh steppes and Bashkir lands and became a center established by Empress Elizabeth Russian Orenburg Cossacks. During the years of revolution and anarchy is predetermined covert struggle for the city, occupies a key position in the southern Urals.
In the period from 1938 to 1957 the city was named after Chkalov [1], after the famous Soviet pilot Valery Chkalov. His bronze sculpture is six meters high on the seven-meter pedestal stands on the embankment of the Ural River.
© Wikipedia
