Why Cossacks wore long forelocks?

Chub Zaporozhye Cossacks, or as they say themselves Cossacks Oseledets - is not just an element of Cossack way, it's a whole legend. Firstly, it should be noted that only a mature Cossacks, who had already, so to speak, to smell of gunpowder, were entitled to a long forelock. This hairstyle was banned for young warriors. This does not mean any hierarchy, and shows that experienced the Cossacks during the time of the battles had to "earn" so many sins before God that no prayers they do not pray for forgiveness. Any Zaporizhia Cossack was sure that many sins after death promise him only one - "burn in hell." In this regard, it was necessary to come up with some solution that can mitigate the Cossack fate. The solution was found. He was the following: Cossack knowingly grow a Oseledets (Chub) - it is for him to have mercy Lord still pull Cossack from hellfire. In this case, an experienced Cossack had to wear Oseledets so that the drop down on the left side. This was necessary in order to hair brushed away evil spirits, which, allegedly, was sitting by the Cossack on his left shoulder and tried to push it on atheism. Oseledets was the hallmark of the Cossacks, who had not forgotten about the faith and realize all their unrighteous deeds. That is why, in the Turks captured Cossacks often cut off long forelocks to their faith shaken, and salvation from hell could not wait.