Victoria Beckham will be engaged in the design Range Rover

Victoria Beckham appointed director of creative design Range Rover. On the appointment was announced during a party in honor of the 40th anniversary of the existence of the brand cars. Here, the British automaker has presented a small SUV Range Rover Evoque. Celebrity will be engaged in creating a special version of the Evoque. Beckham, as expected, in such cases, said she was glad the new appointment. "It will be very interesting collaboration, - she said. - The classic British style and quality of the Range Rover - that's what I appreciate the most. " "She knows a lot about style and trends - said about his new colleague, chief designer Gerry McGovern Range Rover. - It runs his own fashion brand for three years and has received critical acclaim. I believe that this appointment will give a new vision of the design team and our products will be attractive to a wider audience. " The new car as the creators say, is the most environmentally friendly in the line Range Rover. Home sales Evoque is expected early next summer.