The Japanese disaster forced to sell Stradivarius

Japanese non-profit organization Nippon Foundation auctioned the most expensive in the world of Antonio Stradivari violin "Lady Blunt" to raise funds to help victims of the earthquake and tsunami. This violin is worth at least $ 10 million - that's for the same amount it was acquired in 2008. The violin "Lady Blunt" Stradivarius was made in 1721. It is believed that this is one of the two Italian master violins, extant in almost perfect condition (the second - "Messiah" - is stored in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford). It is named "Lady Blunt" in honor of the poet Byron's granddaughter Anne Blunt, who once owned it. On this little violin played for nearly 300 years since the date of its manufacture. Mainly because of this violin is mostly in museums, perfectly preserved. The auction, which is to be sold "Lady Blunt", will be held June 20 on the website of Tarisio. According to public data, "Lady Blunt" is not only the most expensive Stradivarius instrument, but generally the most expensive violins in the world, ever sold at auction. In the summer of 2010, it was put on sale by Giuseppe Guarneri violin "Vёtan", valued at $ 18 million, but a buyer for it has not yet been found.