Space: from $ 95,000 to $ 150 million

Commercial space exploration is gaining momentum, but while traveling in orbit available to only the most wealthy adventurers. With increasing competition, prices will go down. Visual confirmation of the fact - a new proposal of the American company Rocketship Tours. They have reduced the price of the flight on the edge of earth's atmosphere up to $ 95 000. The ticket price is still high, but more recently, to fly into space can be laid out only eight-digit sum. Rocketship Tours Offer cheaper Virgin Galactic in more than two times. Double spacecraft XCOR Aerospace Lynx (pictured) will begin regular flights to near-Earth space by early next year. But those for whom price does not matter, Space Adventures offers a trip around the moon for $ 150 million. This organization arranged the first flight of a space tourist Dennis Tito in 2001. Journey to the moon and back takes a week. Tourists will be able to see the dark side of Earth's satellite, circled it at a distance of 100 km from the surface. Despite the nine-digit price tag, one who wants to have found it. SA stipulates that $ 150 million. - This is not the final price. During the preparation for the launch, scheduled for 2015, the price may rise. However, a person willing to pay so much money for a week vacation, the extra couple million will not stop.