Dear "The Black Corsair"
Stunning exterior Corsair Nero, built in honor of the famous yacht financier John Pierpont Morgan, does not contribute to a successful sale. Retro ship nearly two years, listed as yacht brokers, but buyer for it and not be found. Potential hunters discourages price of $ 105 million. The ship owner, a London businessman Neil Taylor, waiting for the sea weather, decided to reduce the price by $ 10 million. Despite a significant discount, "The Black Corsair" remains one of the most expensive private jets. 90-meter handsome, certainly justifies the high price. Initially, Taylor wanted to restore one of the four "Le Corsaire", owned by Morgan. However, to realize our plans failed, and then the entrepreneur started to build a new boat based on historical prototypes. For this he even established its own shipbuilding company Corsair Yachts. The interior is decorated in a classic style: the deck of Burmese teak, oak paneled walls, replicas of oil lamps from the "Orient Express", coffered ceilings, marble fireplaces. For stylistic similarities designers installed on the ship almost unnecessary in modern conditions yellow chimney. Only a helipad, so the antenna on the mast indicate the date of birth of this yacht.