Viktor Vekselberg, has won court at Christie's

One of the biggest scandals of the art market - litigation Viktor Vekselberg with the auction house Christie's - ended in victory for the Russian businessman. London's High Court decided to cancel the transaction and return in 2005 1, 5 million pounds. In 2005, Viktor Vekselberg bought at auction painting "Odalisque", then in the Christie's catalog as a work by Boris Kustodiev 1919. However, it soon began to doubt the authenticity of the paintings. When the fraud was discovered, the company Vekselberg Aurora Fine Arts Investment (AFAI) required to return the funds. Negotiate amicably did not work and two years ago, a lawsuit was filed. Judge Justice Newey, having examined the arguments of the parties, stood on the side AFAI. According to expert opinion, the controversial painting is a "collective fake» (compilation forgery), or "a joke, homage or educational work."