Kiss of life on electricity towers
The photo shows two electrical Champion Randall (Randall Champion) and JD Thompson (JD Thompson) on top of the pillars of power. They carried out maintenance work when Champion touched a high-voltage lines. These are the lines that are just buzzing electricity. More than 4000 volts passed through the body of the Champion, and electric shock stopped his heart (even in the electric chair used only 2000).
Its safety belts did not let it fall, and Thompson, who was raised for the Champion, quickly tried to do artificial respiration. He could not lead a normal resuscitation, given the circumstances, but continued to help Champion breathe until he felt weak pulse. After that, he untied the victim, took him on his shoulder, and went with him. Thompson and other work carried out resuscitation on the ground, and by the time of the arrival of the ambulance staff Champion was already "relatively lively." Subsequently, he fully recovered.
Its safety belts did not let it fall, and Thompson, who was raised for the Champion, quickly tried to do artificial respiration. He could not lead a normal resuscitation, given the circumstances, but continued to help Champion breathe until he felt weak pulse. After that, he untied the victim, took him on his shoulder, and went with him. Thompson and other work carried out resuscitation on the ground, and by the time of the arrival of the ambulance staff Champion was already "relatively lively." Subsequently, he fully recovered.