The most expensive gold MacBook Pro was estimated at 30 thousand dollars

As it turned out, for some 30 thousand dollars you can become the proud owner of a gold MacBook Pro with diamond logo Apple.
The company Computer Choppers, which makes unique any modern high-tech gadgets, from the Nintendo to Blackberry smartphones and the iPhone, offers feel the Midas touch - the original order and, most importantly, individual favorite product Apple, covered with white, pink and yellow gold, as well as for more modest - copper, black or silver chrome.

The most expensive is the MacBook Pro, coated with 24-carat gold with the logo of Apple, studded with colored diamonds, as shown in the pictures.
The founder of the company Computer Choppers Alex Wylie said in an interview CNN Money, that the creation of a new technological masterpiece they are completely removed from the device all the plastic and covered with blotches selected metal as they may request the customer to engrave gadget.

It is certainly possible to order and most that neither is an exotic cover design for any electronic device, as there are no restrictions on the complexity of the drawing.
At the same time Alex Wylie said that despite the fact that his company is in the US, orders for 90 percent are international. For example, the other day the order was sent to the client from Azerbaijan, who ordered a gold 13-inch MacBook Pro 30-thousand dollars, covered with pink gold 24-inch iMac for 14, 5 thousand dollars and a MacBook Pro Platinum for 20 thousand dollars.
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