Koh Phi Phi - Paradise Island

Let's fast forward to Thailand, namely, a small archipelago of Koh Phi Phi or even pronounce Koh Phi Phi. It consists of six islands. The largest of them - Koh Phi Phi Lei (south) iKoh Phi Phi Don (server). With regard to the South Island - Koh Phi Phi Lei, it is a State Reserve and National Park. Spend the night on the territory of the island is forbidden, for this reason there is not a single hotel and tourist infrastructure. However, this island has two beautiful bays and numerous scenic cliffs, the height of which sometimes reaches 2,000 meters. Beauty is amazing! The fact that the South Bay Maya Bay is known all over the world, and she became famous thanks to the film "The Beach" and from the moment she found fame heavenly place and the title of the most beautiful places on Earth. As you know, in a national park can not be permanent settlements, for this reason the island is an ideal place for the existence of flora and fauna. Here every tourist feels like paradise, and if you are lucky enough to get here, then you too will inevitably fighting the same feeling ...
The second largest island of the archipelago, as noted above, is called "Koh Phi Phi Don." Alas, this is just a heavenly place to which in 2004 struck merciless tsunami. Most of the impact of nature suffered two crescent-shaped bay in the middle of the island.

Before terrible blow there were many hotels and entertainment venues that the synthesis is a well-developed tourist center of the archipelago of Koh Phi Phi. However, in the winter of 2004, most of the buildings were destroyed and simply collected the sea. Still ongoing restoration work actively ...

Koh Phi Phi Don is incredibly popular with tourists who are on holiday in Krabi and Phuket, they come to this paradise on pleasure boats. By the way, the distance and from Phuket, Krabi and of not more than 40 kilometers. The fierce popularity all beach areas in the central part of Koh Phi Phi Don is always crowded. But at the same time, on the island you can find many other beach areas that are more relaxed atmosphere and, of course, typical landscapes of Thailand.
Numerous beaches and incredibly beautiful bay of Koh Phi Phi Don is best to learn from the excursion boat. Anyone can go to numerous excursions, during which you can go diving in the bays or reefs near this fabulous island.

I must say that in the center of Koh Phi Phi Don hotels are incredibly expensive, and if you want a good save, or you just want to retire, then the best option are numerous bungalows, which are scattered throughout the island.
During the "season" tourist business is the main source of income for local residents, and other times when life is literally freezes, the inhabitants of the island are engaged in the restoration of all that was destroyed by tourists and marine elements. I must say that the process of recovery is almost complete, beach areas almost lost traces of disaster.

In conclusion, we note that as the Archipelago of Koh Phi Phi, and separately taken its islands are the perfect place to relax, local places just struck by its beauty and purity. These places are famous throughout the world for its scenery and unique atmosphere of universal relaxation. We would very much like to see you happen to visit these places, because each of us deserves it.
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