The Japanese released USB-mask Allergy

The plastic mask with a built-in fan save its owner from the suffering caused by allergies.
Wearing a Japanese invention, it is possible to forget about allergies / ruformator.ru
The Japanese company - a manufacturer of computer accessories Thanko introduced mask Katsu, which is designed to make life easier for computer scientists with allergies.
In the fitted state Katsu closes the mouth and nose of the owner and making it look like a cat - the worst enemy of all allergies. From inside the mask is attached to a miniature fan. Thanko claims that the device facilitates breathing and relieves allergy symptoms.
Mask is powered by a USB-port. The company's online store, its price is $ 25.
Among other products Thanko - mini-oven Dryer Box for drying of mobile phones - "drowned», MP3-player weighing 8 grams, stapler with USB-hub and a pillow for cooling buttocks.