And grown-generation

- "Come on screw" - refers to the drug * Otik? This is my type of screw, do not touch, I cooked it for yourself? Not very rides chip.
A! Everything! Got It! This refers to the "hard drive"! (Gun) type Children playing with a gun and he them - guns are not toys for children!
-Chuvak! "From the Screw"! - Exclamation indicating the beginning of an action. To start the engine the first aircraft was required to compress the pre-fuel mixture in the cylinder, which is usually performed by a mechanical rotation of the propeller. The pilot then filed a current pulse on the candle, creating a spark ignites the compressed mixture, thereby starting the engine. Since at this point the mechanic was in danger of being hit by a screw begins to rotate, the pilot preceded sparking cries of "From the screw!»
Ta well. Kind of garbage. I do not think that the authors really mean, this is some narrow pilots slang or something like that, how could he take in the children's cartoon? Most likely it on your hard drive.
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