The reasons for dismissal of the present order of different companies:

1. During the week, brought to their workplace poplar down and set fire to it.
2. Suddenly jumping out of the closet, scared business partners of the firm.
3. pillowed chair of his colleague pushpin and he himself sat on
it, thus showing a low intellectual level, not corresponding
4. fell from the window smoking room the second time in a month.
5. The second year is not out of the vacation.
6. argue with his direct guidance of $ 100 that he could not dismiss.
7. twitch female half of the team for the piercing.
8. It was seen in the women's restroom. With emotion to say anything in his defense could not.
9. stapled and taped the money intended for the payment of wages.
10. Cut out on your desktop your initials.
11. Constantly unfinished pours tea into the tank and there is washing the mug.
12. Right on workplace smoking something nasty. Silly
laughingly refused to write an explanation, citing the fact that he could not pick up a sheet of paper, as his hands!