Photos from a Chinese website
Much had to pass, as many jokes related to the life of the Chinese people do not understand the Russian people, in addition of course to all the hieroglyphs and I'm too lazy to translate. Do not judge strictly - This is China!
Writing on the wall - blyuyte here.
In China, there is a business related to the sale of money, money is all certainly true. 10,000 yuan = 10,000 yuan but if it is a pack with the numbers in a row the price will not be 10,000, sometimes even all the bills with the same number but different series then such a packet can cost as much as necessary.
In China, the new year decided to give envelopes with Cash, money must be new, and if you do they will be numbered in a row so it's all cool.
Some strawberries you for winter Russians, now we've got the season.

Writing on the wall - blyuyte here.

In China, there is a business related to the sale of money, money is all certainly true. 10,000 yuan = 10,000 yuan but if it is a pack with the numbers in a row the price will not be 10,000, sometimes even all the bills with the same number but different series then such a packet can cost as much as necessary.

In China, the new year decided to give envelopes with Cash, money must be new, and if you do they will be numbered in a row so it's all cool.

Some strawberries you for winter Russians, now we've got the season.
