Guys VS Kittens (continued)
One of the most popular blogs on Tumblr, called Des Hommes et Des Chatons, continues to successfully collect fans and new comparisons where handsome guys, mimic pose kittens or vice versa. No one is sure :)
We offer you the next selection of the most successful pictures, which poses not only match, but also have a certain intricacy. The combination of young people and kittens in one post, a double guarantee of success. They will continue the idea of combining the most trendy fototem and in the future? We are confident that it will. It could simply can not, and will not. We wish all our readers a good finish on Friday and at least a good weekend.
We offer you the next selection of the most successful pictures, which poses not only match, but also have a certain intricacy. The combination of young people and kittens in one post, a double guarantee of success. They will continue the idea of combining the most trendy fototem and in the future? We are confident that it will. It could simply can not, and will not. We wish all our readers a good finish on Friday and at least a good weekend.